pablo rafael ortega villasclaras

About pablo rafael ortega villasclaras

pablo rafael ortega villasclaras, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, specializes in the field of fotovoltaico, celulas solares, silicio.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

AQUA: a novel quality assessment tool for km-scale simulations in the Destination Earth Climate Digital Twin-the diagnostics suite

Constraining internal variability in CMIP6 simulations to provide skillful near-term climate predictions

Comparing the seasonal predictability of Tropical Pacific variability in EC-Earth3 at two different horizontal resolutions

Impact of volcanic eruptions on CMIP6 decadal predictions: a multi-model analysis

Impact of atomic layer deposition temperature on electrical and optical properties of ZnO: Al films

Femtosecond laser ablation of alternative light absorbers and new selective contacts for photovoltaic devices

Making ecosystem modeling operational–A novel distributed execution framework to systematically explore ecological responses to divergent climate trajectories

Influence of wavelength and pulse duration on the selective laser ablation of WOx, VOx and MoOx thin films

pablo rafael ortega villasclaras Information






Citations(since 2020)


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pablo rafael ortega villasclaras Skills & Research Interests


celulas solares


Top articles of pablo rafael ortega villasclaras




Publication Date

AQUA: a novel quality assessment tool for km-scale simulations in the Destination Earth Climate Digital Twin-the diagnostics suite

Silvia Caprioli

Jost von Hardenberg

Paolo Ghinassi

Supriyo Ghosh

Lukas Kluft



Constraining internal variability in CMIP6 simulations to provide skillful near-term climate predictions

Rashed Mahmood

Markus G Donat

Pablo Ortega

Francisco Doblas-Reyes


Comparing the seasonal predictability of Tropical Pacific variability in EC-Earth3 at two different horizontal resolutions

Aude Carreric

Pablo Ortega

Vladimir Lapin

Francisco Doblas-Reyes


Impact of volcanic eruptions on CMIP6 decadal predictions: a multi-model analysis

Earth System Dynamics Discussions

Roberto Bilbao

Pablo Ortega

Didier Swingedouw

Leon Hermanson

Panos Athanasiadis



Impact of atomic layer deposition temperature on electrical and optical properties of ZnO: Al films

Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices

Gerard Masmitjà

Pau Estarlich

Gema Lopez

Isidro Martín

Cristobal Voz



Femtosecond laser ablation of alternative light absorbers and new selective contacts for photovoltaic devices

David Canteli

Miguel Morales

Carlos Molpeceres

Cristina Muñoz-Garcia

Sergio Vela



Making ecosystem modeling operational–A novel distributed execution framework to systematically explore ecological responses to divergent climate trajectories

Earth's Future

Jeroen Steenbeek

Pablo Ortega

Raffaele Bernardello

Villy Christensen

Marta Coll



Influence of wavelength and pulse duration on the selective laser ablation of WOx, VOx and MoOx thin films

Carlos Molpeceres

Miguel Morales

Cristina Munoz-Garcia

David Canteli

Sara Lauzurica



Impact of model resolution on the representation of deep water formation and its link with the AMOC

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

George William Kent Moore

Kjetil Våge


Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Colloidal Processed WC/(W5Vol% Ni) via Spark Plasma Sintering

Journal of Composites Science

Essam B Moustafa

Mazen Sharaf

Ghazi Alsoruji

Ahmed O Mosleh

SS Mohamed



Ocean biogeochemical reconstructions to estimate historical ocean CO2 uptake

Earth System Dynamics Discussions

Raffaele Bernardello

Valentina Sicardi

Vladimir Lapin

Pablo Ortega

Yohan Ruprich-Robert



Hole selective contacts based on transition metal oxides for c-Ge thermophotovoltaic devices

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Isidro Martín

Gema López

Moisés Garín

Eloi Ros

Pablo Ortega



Elimination of Interface Energy Barriers Using Dendrimer Polyelectrolytes with Fractal Geometry

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

E Ros

T Tom

P Ortega

I Martin

E Maggi



Large spread in interannual variance of atmospheric CO2 concentration across CMIP6 Earth System Models

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

Verónica Martín-Gómez

Yohan Ruprich-Robert

Etienne Tourigny

Raffaele Bernardello

Pablo Ortega



Deoxyribonucleic Acid‐Based Electron Selective Contact for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Advanced Materials Technologies

Thomas Tom

Eloi Ros

David Rovira

Julian López‐Vidrier

José Miguel Asensi



Poly (amidoamine) Dendrimer as an Interfacial Dipole Modification in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

The journal of physical chemistry letters

Thomas Tom

Eloi Ros

Julian López-Vidrier

José Miguel Asensi

Pablo Ortega



Initialization shock in the ocean circulation reduces skill in decadal predictions of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre

Frontiers in Climate

Iuliia Polkova

Didier Swingedouw

Leon Hermanson

Armin Koehl

Detlef Stammer



Impact of Graphene Monolayer on the Performance of Non-Conventional Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with MoOx Hole-Selective Contact


Eloi Ros

Susana Fernández

Pablo Ortega

Elena Taboada

Israel Arnedo



A case study to investigate the role of aerosols reduction on the East Asian summer monsoon seasonal prediction

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts

Annalisa Cherchi

Etienne Tourigny

Juan C Acosta Navarro

Pablo Ortega

Paolo Davini



How credibly do CMIP6 simulations capture historical mean and extreme precipitation changes?

Geophysical Research Letters

Markus G Donat

Carlos Delgado‐Torres

Paolo De Luca

Rashed Mahmood

Pablo Ortega



See List of Professors in pablo rafael ortega villasclaras University(Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)