Pablo Fraile-Jurado

About Pablo Fraile-Jurado

Pablo Fraile-Jurado, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Sevilla, specializes in the field of riesgos naturales, geomorfología, geografía física, climate risk management, sea level rise.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Identifying major phases in the use of land, energy and changing landscapes by Agrarian Societies (7000 cal BP-Present) in Cantabrian Spain, based on cultural changes and …

Energy regimes help tackle limitations with the prehistoric cultural‐phases approach to learn about sustainable transitions: Archaeological evidence from northern Spain

Enhancing motivation strategies in a mandatory university geography course

Geographical Aspects of Open-World Video Games

Valoració dels efectes erosius de les curses de muntanya i ultra trails en l'àmbit del parc natural de Cap de Creus, Alt Empordà (Girona, Catalunya)

Análisis de los efectos erosivos de la palma (Cocos nuciferaL.) en los sistemas playa-duna de República Dominicana

Las dataciones del Neolítico en Andalucía. Análisis geoestadístico de su distribución espacial

From hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies to the Agricultural Revolution: Disentangling Energy Regimes as a complement to cultural phases in Northern Spain

Pablo Fraile-Jurado Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Pablo Fraile-Jurado Skills & Research Interests

riesgos naturales


geografía física

climate risk management

sea level rise

Top articles of Pablo Fraile-Jurado

Identifying major phases in the use of land, energy and changing landscapes by Agrarian Societies (7000 cal BP-Present) in Cantabrian Spain, based on cultural changes and …

Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology


Energy regimes help tackle limitations with the prehistoric cultural‐phases approach to learn about sustainable transitions: Archaeological evidence from northern Spain

Journal of Quaternary Science


Enhancing motivation strategies in a mandatory university geography course

European Journal of Geography


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Geographical Aspects of Open-World Video Games

Games and Culture


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Valoració dels efectes erosius de les curses de muntanya i ultra trails en l'àmbit del parc natural de Cap de Creus, Alt Empordà (Girona, Catalunya)

Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura


Análisis de los efectos erosivos de la palma (Cocos nuciferaL.) en los sistemas playa-duna de República Dominicana

Nemus. Revista de l'Ateneu de Natura


Las dataciones del Neolítico en Andalucía. Análisis geoestadístico de su distribución espacial


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

From hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies to the Agricultural Revolution: Disentangling Energy Regimes as a complement to cultural phases in Northern Spain


Método para el cálculo, análisis y representación espacial de la variable “tiempo sumergido bajo el nivel del mar durante la última glaciación” en la plataforma continental del …

Revista de Geografía Norte Grande


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Rethinking the Agrarian Transition through the lens of long-term history of subsistence strategies and use of energy and resources in Cantabrian Spain

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Alternative approaches to medium-long term sea level rise mapping in Southern Miami Beach (Florida, USA)

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Coastal erosion risk assessment in the dynamic estuary: The Meghna estuary case of Bangladesh coast

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


A comparative analysis of Human impact on landscape during the Eemian and the first half of the Holocene in the Iberian Peninsula.


Sea level rise inundation risk assessment in residential cadastral parcels along the Mediterranean Andalusian coast

Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Shoreline "Proxies" Evaluation for Mid-term Erosion Rates Calculation in Mesotidal and Microtidal Beaches (Andalusia, Spain)

Journal of Coastal Research


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Wave Energy Patterns under Different Sea Level Rise (SLR) Probabilities in the Andalusian Atlantic coast

Journal of Coastal Research


Pablo Fraile-Jurado
Pablo Fraile-Jurado

H-Index: 9

Emilia Guisado-Pintado
Emilia Guisado-Pintado

H-Index: 9

A specialized geoviewer and dashboard for beach erosion rates visualization and exploration

Journal of Coastal Research


Modeling of a future scenario of potential sea level rise and consequences to land use in the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoonal Complex (Brazil)

Pesquisas em Geociências, 47 (1), e0876.


See List of Professors in Pablo Fraile-Jurado University(Universidad de Sevilla)

