Osman Kucuk

About Osman Kucuk

Osman Kucuk, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Erciyes Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of animal nutrition.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Increasing long-chain n-3 fatty acids in beef from forage-finished cattle through supplementation with the calcium salts of fish oil

Povećanje dugolančanih n-3 masnih kiselina u mesu dobivenom od goveda tovljenih na paši uz dodatak kalcijevih soli iz ribljeg ulja

Effects of magnesium picolinate, zinc picolinate, and selenomethionine co-supplementation on reproductive hormones, and glucose and lipid metabolism-related protein expressions …

Feeding zinc-biofortified wheat improves performance, nutrient digestibility, and concentrations of blood and tissue minerals in quails

Influence of dietary genistein and polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid peroxidation and fatty acid composition of meat in quail exposed to heat stress

Bioavailability of a Capsaicin Lipid Multi-particulate Formulation in Rats

Niacinamide and undenatured type II collagen modulates the inflammatory response in rats with monoiodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis

Effects of supplementing different chromium histidinate complexes on glucose and lipid metabolism and related protein expressions in rats fed a high-fat diet

Osman Kucuk Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Osman Kucuk Skills & Research Interests

animal nutrition

Top articles of Osman Kucuk

Increasing long-chain n-3 fatty acids in beef from forage-finished cattle through supplementation with the calcium salts of fish oil

Veterinarski arhiv


Osman Kucuk
Osman Kucuk

H-Index: 23

Povećanje dugolančanih n-3 masnih kiselina u mesu dobivenom od goveda tovljenih na paši uz dodatak kalcijevih soli iz ribljeg ulja

Veterinarski arhiv


Osman Kucuk
Osman Kucuk

H-Index: 23

Effects of magnesium picolinate, zinc picolinate, and selenomethionine co-supplementation on reproductive hormones, and glucose and lipid metabolism-related protein expressions …

Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences


Feeding zinc-biofortified wheat improves performance, nutrient digestibility, and concentrations of blood and tissue minerals in quails

Biological Trace Element Research


Influence of dietary genistein and polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid peroxidation and fatty acid composition of meat in quail exposed to heat stress

Tropical animal health and production


Bioavailability of a Capsaicin Lipid Multi-particulate Formulation in Rats

European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics


Niacinamide and undenatured type II collagen modulates the inflammatory response in rats with monoiodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis

Scientific reports


Effects of supplementing different chromium histidinate complexes on glucose and lipid metabolism and related protein expressions in rats fed a high-fat diet

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology


Lycopene supplementation does not change productive performance but lowers egg yolk cholesterol and gene expression of some cholesterol-related proteins in laying hens

British Poultry Science


Effects of magnesium biotinate supplementation on serum insulin, glucose, and lipid parameters along with liver protein levels of intermediary metabolism in rats


Effects of taurine supplementation on productive performance, nutrient digestibility and gene expression of nutrient transporters in quails reared under heat stress

Journal of Thermal Biology


Lycopene Supplementation Either Purified or as in Tomato Powder to the Diet of Laying Hens Lowers Egg Yolk Cholesterol by Modulation of Sterol Transporters

Current Developments in Nutrition


A Dose-Dependent Effect of Carnipure® Tartrate Supplementation on Endurance Capacity, Recovery, and Body Composition in an Exercise Rat Model



A Dose-Dependent Effect of Carnipure (R) Tartrate Supplementation on Endurance Capacity, Recovery, and Body Composition in an Exercise Rat Model



See List of Professors in Osman Kucuk University(Erciyes Üniversitesi)