Oleg Kargaltsev

Oleg Kargaltsev

George Washington University

H-index: 39

North America-United States

About Oleg Kargaltsev

Oleg Kargaltsev, With an exceptional h-index of 39 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at George Washington University, specializes in the field of High-Energy Astrophysics, X-ray Astronomy, Machine Learning, Data Visualization.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multiwavelength Catalog of 10,000 4XMM-DR13 Sources with Known Classifications

A Multiwavelength Machine-learning Approach to Classifying X-ray Sources in the Fields of Unidentified 4FGL-DR4 sources

Chandra X-Ray Observatory Observations of 13 Fermi LAT Sources

Overview of the advanced x-ray imaging satellite (AXIS)

A NuSTAR and Chandra Investigation of the Enigmatic Pulsar Filament of the Lighthouse Nebula

NuSTAR and Fermi LAT observation of the Vela Pulsar and its Nebula

Classifying Serendipitous X-ray Sources from Chandra Source Catalog using Machine Learning

Multiwavelength Analysis and Machine Learning Classification of X-ray Sources in Several Open Clusters

Oleg Kargaltsev Information



Associate Professor of Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Oleg Kargaltsev Skills & Research Interests

High-Energy Astrophysics

X-ray Astronomy

Machine Learning

Data Visualization

Top articles of Oleg Kargaltsev

Multiwavelength Catalog of 10,000 4XMM-DR13 Sources with Known Classifications

Research Notes of the AAS


Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

A Multiwavelength Machine-learning Approach to Classifying X-ray Sources in the Fields of Unidentified 4FGL-DR4 sources

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05068


Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Chandra X-Ray Observatory Observations of 13 Fermi LAT Sources

The Astrophysical Journal


Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

A NuSTAR and Chandra Investigation of the Enigmatic Pulsar Filament of the Lighthouse Nebula

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

NuSTAR and Fermi LAT observation of the Vela Pulsar and its Nebula

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Classifying Serendipitous X-ray Sources from Chandra Source Catalog using Machine Learning

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Multiwavelength Analysis and Machine Learning Classification of X-ray Sources in Several Open Clusters

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Steven Chen
Steven Chen

H-Index: 3

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

The'Flame-thrower'Filament of the Celestial Guitar

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Exploring the unassociated Galactic 4FGL-DR3 sources using multiwavelength machine learning classification (MUWCLASS)

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Steven Chen
Steven Chen

H-Index: 3

Magnetar 4U 0142+ 61 from IR to hard X-rays

AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

The Lighthouse PWN as a probe of ISM structure and a unique relativistic plasma physics laboratory

Chandra Proposal


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

The most puzzling UV-optical-NIR spectrum of an isolated neutron star: A disk or a magnetosphere?

HST Proposal


X-ray and near-infrared observations of the middle-aged pulsar B1055–52, its multiwavelength spectrum, and proper motion

The Astrophysical Journal


XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of the candidate Fermi-LAT pulsar 4FGL J1015. 5-6030

The Astrophysical Journal


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

George Younes
George Younes

H-Index: 22

A NuSTAR and Chandra Investigation of the Misaligned Outflow of PSR J1101–6101 and the Lighthouse Pulsar Wind Nebula

The Astrophysical Journal


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

VizieR Online Data Catalog: Swift Deep Galactic Plane Survey catalog (O'Connor+, 2023)

VizieR Online Data Catalog


NuSTAR observation of the Vela pulsar and its nebula

arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03198


Oleg Kargaltsev
Oleg Kargaltsev

H-Index: 23

Probing the Quiescent Emission of a Unique Isolated Neutron Star

HST Proposal


VizieR Online Data Catalog: Classification of Chandra sources (Yang+, 2022)

VizieR Online Data Catalog


See List of Professors in Oleg Kargaltsev University(George Washington University)