Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

About Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

Nora Fernandez-Jimenez, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad del País Vasco,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sex bias in celiac disease: XWAS and monocyte eQTLs in women identify TMEM187 as a functional candidate gene

Influence of genetic polymorphisms on arsenic methylation efficiency during pregnancy: Evidence from a Spanish birth cohort

Summary-data based Mendelian randomization identifies gene expression regulatory polymorphisms associated with bovine paratuberculosis by modulation of the nuclear factor Kappa …

Evaluating the association between placenta DNA methylation and cognitive functions in the offspring

Genetic Susceptibility to Neurotoxicity Related to Prenatal Inorganic Arsenic Exposure in Young Spanish Children

LncRNA ARGI Contributes to Virus‐Induced Pancreatic β Cell Inflammation Through Transcriptional Activation of IFN‐Stimulated Genes

Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization detects bidirectional causality between gut microbiota and celiac disease in individuals with high genetic risk

Potentially causal associations between placental DNA methylation and schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders

Nora Fernandez-Jimenez Information



Instituto de nvestigación Sanitaria Biocruces-Bizkaia (UPV/EHU)



Citations(since 2020)


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Top articles of Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

Sex bias in celiac disease: XWAS and monocyte eQTLs in women identify TMEM187 as a functional candidate gene

Biology of Sex Differences


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Jose Ramon Bilbao
Jose Ramon Bilbao

H-Index: 18

Influence of genetic polymorphisms on arsenic methylation efficiency during pregnancy: Evidence from a Spanish birth cohort

Science of the Total Environment


Summary-data based Mendelian randomization identifies gene expression regulatory polymorphisms associated with bovine paratuberculosis by modulation of the nuclear factor Kappa …

BMC genomics


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Evaluating the association between placenta DNA methylation and cognitive functions in the offspring


Genetic Susceptibility to Neurotoxicity Related to Prenatal Inorganic Arsenic Exposure in Young Spanish Children

Environmental Science & Technology


Manuel Lozano
Manuel Lozano

H-Index: 27

Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

LncRNA ARGI Contributes to Virus‐Induced Pancreatic β Cell Inflammation Through Transcriptional Activation of IFN‐Stimulated Genes

Advanced Science


Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization detects bidirectional causality between gut microbiota and celiac disease in individuals with high genetic risk

Frontiers in immunology


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Jose Ramon Bilbao
Jose Ramon Bilbao

H-Index: 18

Potentially causal associations between placental DNA methylation and schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders



The type 1 diabetes-associated lncRNA ARGI participates in virus-induced pancreatic β cell inflammation



A meta-analysis of pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index and placental DNA methylation identifies 27 CpG sites with implications for mother-child health

Communications biology


Prenatal maternal smoke, DNA methylation, and multi-omics of tissues and child health


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Method for diagnosing celiac disease based on the level of expression of the ube2l3 gene


Response to “Comment on Maternal Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Thyroid Hormones, and DIO Genes: A Spanish Cross-sectional Study: Predictability of Multiple …

Environmental Science & Technology


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Endometriosia eta ezaugarri antropometriko eta menstrualak: oinarri genetiko komunaren bila

Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria


Jose Ramon Bilbao
Jose Ramon Bilbao

H-Index: 18

Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

shinyCurves, a shiny web application to analyse multisource qPCR amplification data: a COVID-19 case study

BMC bioinformatics


Jose Ramon Bilbao
Jose Ramon Bilbao

H-Index: 18

Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Placental DNA methylation signatures of maternal smoking during pregnancy and potential impacts on fetal growth


Maternal Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Thyroid Hormones, and DIO Genes: A Spanish Cross-sectional Study

Environmental Science & Technology


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Genetic contribution of endometriosis to the risk of developing hormone-related cancers

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

Jose Ramon Bilbao
Jose Ramon Bilbao

H-Index: 18

Identifcation of Loci Associated with Susceptibility to Bovine Paratuberculosis and with the Dysregulation of the MECOM, eEF1A2, and U1 Spliceosomal RNA Expression


Identification of loci associated with susceptibility to bovine paratuberculosis and with the dysregulation of the MECOM, eEF1A2, and U1 spliceosomal RNA …

Scientific Reports


Nora Fernandez-Jimenez
Nora Fernandez-Jimenez

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Nora Fernandez-Jimenez University(Universidad del País Vasco)