Rebecca J Schmidt

Rebecca J Schmidt

University of California, Davis

H-index: 37

North America-United States

About Rebecca J Schmidt

Rebecca J Schmidt, With an exceptional h-index of 37 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Davis, specializes in the field of Molecular Epidemiology, epigenetics, autism, folate.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prenatal phthalate exposure and adverse birth outcomes in the USA: a prospective analysis of births and estimates of attributable burden and costs

Prenatal Metal Exposures and Child Social Responsiveness Scale Scores in 2 Prospective Studies

Maternal Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy as an Etiologic Factor in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities for Research

Ultrafine particulate matter exposure during second year of life, but not before, associated with increased risk of autism spectrum disorder in BKMR mixtures model of multiple …

Metabolomic data presents challenges for epidemiological meta-analysis: a case study of childhood body mass index from the ECHO consortium

Associations of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardant Exposures during Pregnancy with Gestational Duration and Fetal Growth: The Environmental influences on Child Health …

A model for rapid PM exposure estimates in wildfire conditions using routinely available data: rapidfire v0.1.3

Jiwon Oh1, Kyoungmi Kim1, 2, Kurunthachalam Kannan3, 4, Patrick J. Parsons3, 4, Agnieszka Mlodnicka2, 5

Rebecca J Schmidt Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Rebecca J Schmidt Skills & Research Interests

Molecular Epidemiology




Top articles of Rebecca J Schmidt

Prenatal phthalate exposure and adverse birth outcomes in the USA: a prospective analysis of births and estimates of attributable burden and costs

The Lancet Planetary Health


Prenatal Metal Exposures and Child Social Responsiveness Scale Scores in 2 Prospective Studies

Environmental Health Insights


Maternal Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy as an Etiologic Factor in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities for Research



Sun Y Lee
Sun Y Lee

H-Index: 9

Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Ultrafine particulate matter exposure during second year of life, but not before, associated with increased risk of autism spectrum disorder in BKMR mixtures model of multiple …

Environmental Research


Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Irva Hertz-Picciotto

H-Index: 64

Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Metabolomic data presents challenges for epidemiological meta-analysis: a case study of childhood body mass index from the ECHO consortium



Associations of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardant Exposures during Pregnancy with Gestational Duration and Fetal Growth: The Environmental influences on Child Health …

Environmental Health Perspectives


A model for rapid PM exposure estimates in wildfire conditions using routinely available data: rapidfire v0.1.3

Geoscientific Model Development


Jiwon Oh1, Kyoungmi Kim1, 2, Kurunthachalam Kannan3, 4, Patrick J. Parsons3, 4, Agnieszka Mlodnicka2, 5


Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Early childhood exposures to phthalates in association with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder behaviors in middle childhood and adolescence in the ReCHARGE study

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health


Prenatal perceived stress and urinary cortisol as risk factors for ASD and non-typical developmental outcomes in the MARBLES study

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders


Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Maternal preconception and prenatal stressful life events in association with child neurodevelopmental outcome in MARBLES: A high familial likelihood cohort

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders


Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Parental psychiatric diagnoses as predictive factors for autism spectrum disorder in the child: confluence of genetics and environment

The Lancet Regional Health–Europe


Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Report of a Meeting: Food, Nutrition, and Autism: From Soil to Fork

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Association of Breastfeeding Duration with Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in an Enriched Familial Likelihood Cohort for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Child Psychiatry & Human Development


Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Pre-pregnancy ozone and ultrafine particulate matter exposure during second year of life associated with decreased cognitive and adaptive functioning at aged 2–5 years

Environmental Research


Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Irva Hertz-Picciotto

H-Index: 64

Rebecca J Schmidt
Rebecca J Schmidt

H-Index: 25

Prediction of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in late childhood from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in early childhood

Development and psychopathology


Early childhood exposure to environmental phenols and parabens, phthalates, organophosphate pesticides, and trace elements in association with attention deficit hyperactivity …

Environmental Health


Birth outcomes in relation to neighborhood food access and individual food insecurity during pregnancy in the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO)-wide …

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Prenatal exposure to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances and child behavioral problems

ISEE Conference Abstracts


Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Serum of 2 to 5 year-Old Children: Temporal Trends, Determinants, and Correlations with Maternal PFAS Concentrations

Environmental Science & Technology


See List of Professors in Rebecca J Schmidt University(University of California, Davis)