Nicola Savvides

Nicola Savvides

University of Bath

H-index: 11

Europe-United Kingdom

About Nicola Savvides

Nicola Savvides, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Bath, specializes in the field of Intercultural and International Education, International Schools, Comparative Education, Research Methodology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A multi-stakeholder analysis of the risks to early school leaving: Comparing young peoples’ and educators’ perspectives on five categories of risk

The ‘internationalist’educational approach in practice: Insights from a United World Colleges ‘Short Course’

The united world college experience and its framing: the evidence from a residential short course

The United World College movement in practice: the role of interaction rituals in releasing positive emotional energy to ‘spark change’

Five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEEThood: introducing a pathway to change to guide educators’ support strategies

‘Failures’ in a failing education system: comparing structural and institutional risk factors to early leaving in England and Portugal

Citizenship norms and tolerance in European adolescents

Orientation and Tutorial Action Proposal. Strategies for the Action.

Nicola Savvides Information



Senior Lecturer in International Education



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nicola Savvides Skills & Research Interests

Intercultural and International Education

International Schools

Comparative Education

Research Methodology

Top articles of Nicola Savvides

A multi-stakeholder analysis of the risks to early school leaving: Comparing young peoples’ and educators’ perspectives on five categories of risk

Journal of Youth Studies


Ioannis Costas Batlle
Ioannis Costas Batlle

H-Index: 4

Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

The ‘internationalist’educational approach in practice: Insights from a United World Colleges ‘Short Course’


Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

The united world college experience and its framing: the evidence from a residential short course

International Studies in Sociology of Education


Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

The United World College movement in practice: the role of interaction rituals in releasing positive emotional energy to ‘spark change’

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education


Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

Five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEEThood: introducing a pathway to change to guide educators’ support strategies

International Journal of Adolescence and Youth


Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

Ioannis Costas Batlle
Ioannis Costas Batlle

H-Index: 4

‘Failures’ in a failing education system: comparing structural and institutional risk factors to early leaving in England and Portugal

Journal of Education and Work


Nicola Savvides
Nicola Savvides

H-Index: 7

Carla Freire
Carla Freire

H-Index: 3

Citizenship norms and tolerance in European adolescents


Orientation and Tutorial Action Proposal. Strategies for the Action.


See List of Professors in Nicola Savvides University(University of Bath)