Navarro Ferronato

About Navarro Ferronato

Navarro Ferronato, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, specializes in the field of Solid waste management, International Cooperation, Circular Economy, LCA.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

When solid recovered fuel (SRF) production and consumption maximize environmental benefits? A life cycle assessment

Environmental impact scenarios of organic fraction municipal solid waste treatment with Black Soldier Fly larvae based on a life cycle assessment

Social, economic and environmental benefits of organic waste home composting in Iran

Social acceptance, emissions analysis and potential applications of paper-waste briquettes in Andean areas

Life cycle thinking (LCT) applied to solid waste management systems with appropriate technologies

A review of plastic waste circular actions in seven developing countries to achieve sustainable development goals

Can tourism support resource circularity in small islands? On-field analysis and intervention proposals in Madagascar

Socio-economic analysis of waste-based briquettes production and consumption in Bolivia

Navarro Ferronato Information



Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Navarro Ferronato Skills & Research Interests

Solid waste management

International Cooperation

Circular Economy


Top articles of Navarro Ferronato

When solid recovered fuel (SRF) production and consumption maximize environmental benefits? A life cycle assessment

Waste Management


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

Environmental impact scenarios of organic fraction municipal solid waste treatment with Black Soldier Fly larvae based on a life cycle assessment

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Social, economic and environmental benefits of organic waste home composting in Iran

Waste Management & Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Social acceptance, emissions analysis and potential applications of paper-waste briquettes in Andean areas

Environmental Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Life cycle thinking (LCT) applied to solid waste management systems with appropriate technologies

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

A review of plastic waste circular actions in seven developing countries to achieve sustainable development goals


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Amani Maalouf
Amani Maalouf

H-Index: 5

Can tourism support resource circularity in small islands? On-field analysis and intervention proposals in Madagascar

Waste Management & Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Socio-economic analysis of waste-based briquettes production and consumption in Bolivia

Sustainable Production and Consumption


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Organic waste valorization in remote islands: Analysis of economic and environmental benefits of onsite treatment options

Waste Management & Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Microbial Enzyme Biotechnology to Reach Plastic Waste Circularity: Current Status, Problems and Perspectives


Gianluca Molla
Gianluca Molla

H-Index: 22

Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of biomass and cardboard waste-based briquettes production and consumption in Andean areas

Energy for Sustainable Development


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Construction and demolition waste recycling in developing cities: management and cost analysis


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

Setting priorities to achieve Sustainable Development Goals through appropriate waste management systems in Uganda


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Biomass and cardboard waste-based briquettes for heating and cooking: Thermal efficiency and emissions analysis

Journal of Cleaner Production


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

Are waste-based briquettes alternative fuels in developing countries? A critical review


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

Environmental assessment of construction and demolition waste recycling in Bolivia: Focus on transportation distances and selective collection rates

Waste Management & Research


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

Perspectives in solid recovered fuel production in Bolivia: Analysis of characteristics and potential benefits

Waste Management


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Investigation on the solid waste recyclers’ perspective in La Paz, Bolivia

Habitat International


Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Circular Economy, International Cooperation, and Solid Waste Management: A Development Project in La Paz (Bolivia)



Navarro Ferronato
Navarro Ferronato

H-Index: 12

Fabio Conti
Fabio Conti

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Navarro Ferronato University(Università degli Studi dell'Insubria)