Morteza Abouzaripour

About Morteza Abouzaripour

Morteza Abouzaripour, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Stem cells, Reproductive researches, Clinical Anatomy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of Nigella sativa on dexamethasone-induced testicular toxicity in mice

Ameliorative effect of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni on sperm parameters, in vitro fertilization, and early embryo development in a streptozotocin-induced mouse model of diabetes

Investigating the effect of Nigella sativa on the testicular function of first-generation offspring of mice treated with titanium oxide nanoparticles

Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Childhood (ANEC): A Case Report

Clinical and CT scan findings in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A comparison based on disease severity

Feeding role of mouse embryonic fibroblast cells is influenced by genetic background, cell passage and day of isolation

Metformin therapy attenuates pro-inflammatory microglia by inhibiting NF-κB in cuprizone demyelinating mouse model of multiple sclerosis

A case report of greater saphenous vein thrombosis in a patient with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

Morteza Abouzaripour Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Morteza Abouzaripour Skills & Research Interests

Stem cells

Reproductive researches

Clinical Anatomy

Top articles of Morteza Abouzaripour

Effect of Nigella sativa on dexamethasone-induced testicular toxicity in mice

Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Ameliorative effect of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni on sperm parameters, in vitro fertilization, and early embryo development in a streptozotocin-induced mouse model of diabetes



Mahdad Abdi
Mahdad Abdi

H-Index: 3

Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Investigating the effect of Nigella sativa on the testicular function of first-generation offspring of mice treated with titanium oxide nanoparticles

Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Childhood (ANEC): A Case Report

Acta Medica Iranica


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Clinical and CT scan findings in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A comparison based on disease severity

The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Feeding role of mouse embryonic fibroblast cells is influenced by genetic background, cell passage and day of isolation



Zakaria Vahabzadeh
Zakaria Vahabzadeh

H-Index: 8

Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Metformin therapy attenuates pro-inflammatory microglia by inhibiting NF-κB in cuprizone demyelinating mouse model of multiple sclerosis

Neurotoxicity research


A case report of greater saphenous vein thrombosis in a patient with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Comparison of clinical findings and CT scan in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia based on disease severity


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Increased pulmonary embolism in patients with COVID-19: a case series and literature review


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Acute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and COVID-19: case series

SN comprehensive clinical medicine


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Ovarian vein thrombosis after coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection in a pregnant woman: case report

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

The protective effect of Nigella sativa on sperm parameter in mice treated with dexamethasone.


The expressions of NLRP1, NLRP3, and AIM2 inflammasome complexes in the contusive spinal cord injury rat model and their responses to hormonal therapy

Cell and tissue research


Effect of chronic nicotine administration on the pro-oxidant antioxidant balance of mice serum: role of Rosmarinic acid.


Vertebral fractures due to metastatic tumors: a case report

Acta Medica Iranica


Morteza Abouzaripour
Morteza Abouzaripour

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Sadegh Gholami Farashah
Mohammad Sadegh Gholami Farashah

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Morteza Abouzaripour University(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences)