Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

About Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

Mokhtar Jalali Javaran, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tarbiat Modares University, specializes in the field of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Measurement of transgene copy number in transgenic tobacco plants producing human interferon-γ (hIFN-γ) using quantitative real-time PCR

Optimization of transient gene expression in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Enhancement of recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 1 protein production in transgenic hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) plant cell suspension cultures …

Functional assessment of AtPAP17; encoding a purple acid phosphatase involved in phosphate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana

Transient expression of reteplase gene (rPA) under methyl jasmonat treatment in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

Insights into the effects of amino acid substitutions on the stability of reteplase structure: A molecular dynamics simulation study

Transient expression of recombinant anti-VEGF protein based on viral vector (ZYMV) in Chenopodium album

Anti-VEGFR2 protein accumulation under the influence of methyl jasmonate treatment in Brassica napus and Nicotiana benthamiana plants

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Mokhtar Jalali Javaran Skills & Research Interests

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Top articles of Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

Measurement of transgene copy number in transgenic tobacco plants producing human interferon-γ (hIFN-γ) using quantitative real-time PCR

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Mostafa Valizadeh
Mostafa Valizadeh

H-Index: 18

Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

Optimization of transient gene expression in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Agricultural Biotechnology Journal


Asad Maroufi
Asad Maroufi

H-Index: 5

Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

Yousef Sharafi
Yousef Sharafi

H-Index: 4

Enhancement of recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 1 protein production in transgenic hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) plant cell suspension cultures …

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant


Functional assessment of AtPAP17; encoding a purple acid phosphatase involved in phosphate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana

Biotechnology Letters


Transient expression of reteplase gene (rPA) under methyl jasmonat treatment in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

Iranian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding


Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

Insights into the effects of amino acid substitutions on the stability of reteplase structure: A molecular dynamics simulation study

Iranian journal of biotechnology


Transient expression of recombinant anti-VEGF protein based on viral vector (ZYMV) in Chenopodium album

Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology)


Anti-VEGFR2 protein accumulation under the influence of methyl jasmonate treatment in Brassica napus and Nicotiana benthamiana plants

Iranian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding


Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

Apoplastic production of recombinant AntiVEGF protein using plant-virus transient expression vector

Molecular Biotechnology


Bottleneck removal of paclitaxel biosynthetic pathway by overexpression of DBTNBT gene under methyl-β-cyclodextrin and coronatine elicitation in Taxus baccata L.

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)


Isolation, structural modeling and evaluation of strictosidine synthase gene expression involved in the biosynthesis pathway of indole alkaloids in Papaver somniferum

Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science


Reteplase Fc-fusions produced in N. benthamiana are able to dissolve blood clots ex vivo

Plos one


Effect of P19 gene expression on transcription rate and production of recombinant human tissue plasminogen (rtPA) in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana).


Production of bioactive human IFN-γ protein by agroinfiltration in tobacco

Protein Expression and Purification


Analysis of natural resources cooperative performance in Kermanshah Province (The case of Paveh County)

Iranian Journal of Forest


Fusion to elastin-like polypeptide increases production of bioactive human IFN-γ in tobacco

Transgenic Research


Endoplasmic reticulum retention signaling and transmembrane channel proteins predicted for oilseed ω3 fatty acid desaturase 3 (FAD3) genes

Functional & integrative genomics


Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

Isolation and Characterization of Delta 15 Desaturase (FAD3) Gene From Camelina sativa L.

Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports


Mokhtar Jalali Javaran
Mokhtar Jalali Javaran

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Mokhtar Jalali Javaran University(Tarbiat Modares University)

