Amin Ebrahimi

About Amin Ebrahimi

Amin Ebrahimi, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahrood University of Technology, specializes in the field of Agriculture.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Phytosulfokine α (PSKα) delays senescence in cut rose flowers by keeping intracellular ATP and ROS homeostasis

Investigating the physiological response of plant leaf tissue (Ammi majus L.) to melatonin under heat stress

The amelioration of salt stress-induced damage in fenugreek through the application of cold plasma and melatonin

Assessing the effects of 24-epibrassinolide and yeast extract at various levels on cowpea’s morphophysiological and biochemical responses under water deficit stress

Population and Individual Multivariate Analysis of Barberry Genotypes: Implications for Breeding, Development, and Food Security

Furanocoumarins from Heracleum persicum L.: Unveiling their biosynthesis and gene expression

Physiological and molecular responses of a resistant and susceptible wheat cultivar to the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici

Exogenous 24-epibrassinolide ameliorates tolerance to high-temperature by adjusting the biosynthesis of pigments, enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and diosgenin content …

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Top articles of Amin Ebrahimi

Phytosulfokine α (PSKα) delays senescence in cut rose flowers by keeping intracellular ATP and ROS homeostasis

Scientia Horticulturae


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Investigating the physiological response of plant leaf tissue (Ammi majus L.) to melatonin under heat stress

Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science


The amelioration of salt stress-induced damage in fenugreek through the application of cold plasma and melatonin

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Assessing the effects of 24-epibrassinolide and yeast extract at various levels on cowpea’s morphophysiological and biochemical responses under water deficit stress

BMC Plant Biology


Hamid Reza Asghari
Hamid Reza Asghari

H-Index: 10

Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Population and Individual Multivariate Analysis of Barberry Genotypes: Implications for Breeding, Development, and Food Security



Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Mousa Rasouli
Mousa Rasouli

H-Index: 7

Furanocoumarins from Heracleum persicum L.: Unveiling their biosynthesis and gene expression

Industrial Crops and Products


Physiological and molecular responses of a resistant and susceptible wheat cultivar to the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici


Exogenous 24-epibrassinolide ameliorates tolerance to high-temperature by adjusting the biosynthesis of pigments, enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and diosgenin content …

Scientific Reports


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Evaluation of genetic variation in doubled haploid lines of Camelina using REMAP retrotransposon markers

Genetic Engineering and Biosafety Journal


Stb6 mediates stomatal immunity, photosynthetic functionality, and the antioxidant system during the Zymoseptoria tritici-wheat interaction

Frontiers in plant science


Melatonin confers fenugreek tolerance to salinity stress by stimulating the biosynthesis processes of enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidants, and diosgenin content

Front. Plant Sci.


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and foliar application of some plant growth regulators on biomass and morphological characteristics of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.).


Hasan Mumivand
Hasan Mumivand

H-Index: 7

Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

The effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene application incorporated with packaging on the expression of ethylene-related genes and quality maintenance of cherry tomato cultivars

Journal of Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology


Expression of CrMPK3 and alkaloid synthesis genes with antioxidants in callus of Catharanthus roseus in response to polyethylene glycol

Industrial Crops and Products


Endogenous phytosulfokine α (PSKα) signaling delays petals senescence and prolongs vase life of cut rose flowers (Rosa hybrida cv. Angelina)

Scientia Horticulturae


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Roohangiz Naderi
Roohangiz Naderi

H-Index: 17

The effect of 24-epi-brassinosteroid on the expression of some genes involved in the diosgenin biosynthetic pathway of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) under high …

Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Sajad Rashidi Monfared
Sajad Rashidi Monfared

H-Index: 10

Toward understanding of the methoxylated flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss

Scientific Reports


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Evaluation of 24-Epi-brassinosteroid effects on some properties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) under high temperature stress

Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Screening of tarragon accessions based on physiological and phytochemical responses under water deficit

Scientific Reports


Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

Water deficit stress changes in drug yield, antioxidant enzymes activity and essential oil quality and quantity of Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)

Industrial Crops and Products


Hasan Mumivand
Hasan Mumivand

H-Index: 7

Amin Ebrahimi
Amin Ebrahimi

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Amin Ebrahimi University(Shahrood University of Technology)

