Mohsen Daneshyar

About Mohsen Daneshyar

Mohsen Daneshyar, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Urmia University, specializes in the field of Poultry Nutrition.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of mild and chronic heat stress on yield, carcass characteristics, blood parameters, meat quality and expression of fatty acid synthase and lipoprotein lipase genes …

Effects of two plant extracts and native Lactobacillus culture on immune response, lymphoid organs and antioxidant properties of broiler chickens

In vitro evaluation of probiotic properties and selenium bioaccumulation of lactic acid bacteria isolated from poultry gastrointestinal, as an organic selenium source

Effect of Lactobacillus sp. and yeast supplementation on performance and some blood attributes in deoxynivalenol-challenged broiler chickens

Effects of dietary supplementation of tomato pomace (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and L-Arg on reproductive performance of aged male broiler breeders

Evaluation of production performance, morphological and microbiological traits of broilers ileum of fed with the organic form of the zinc, copper, manganese and iron under heat …

Effects of Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Vitamin C and Organic Zinc Supplements on Growth Performance, Carcass Yield, Serum Biochemical Values and Antioxidant Status of …

Effects of arginine and guanidinoacetic acid with or without phenylalanine on ascites susceptibility in cold-stressed broilers fed canola meal-based diet

Mohsen Daneshyar Information



Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohsen Daneshyar Skills & Research Interests

Poultry Nutrition

Top articles of Mohsen Daneshyar

The effect of mild and chronic heat stress on yield, carcass characteristics, blood parameters, meat quality and expression of fatty acid synthase and lipoprotein lipase genes …

Animal Science Research


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Effects of two plant extracts and native Lactobacillus culture on immune response, lymphoid organs and antioxidant properties of broiler chickens

Journal of Central European Agriculture


In vitro evaluation of probiotic properties and selenium bioaccumulation of lactic acid bacteria isolated from poultry gastrointestinal, as an organic selenium source

Research in Veterinary Science


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Effect of Lactobacillus sp. and yeast supplementation on performance and some blood attributes in deoxynivalenol-challenged broiler chickens

Research in Veterinary Science


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Ali Shalizar-Jalali
Ali Shalizar-Jalali

H-Index: 13

Effects of dietary supplementation of tomato pomace (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and L-Arg on reproductive performance of aged male broiler breeders

Poultry Science


Evaluation of production performance, morphological and microbiological traits of broilers ileum of fed with the organic form of the zinc, copper, manganese and iron under heat …

Animal Sciences Journal


Effects of Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Vitamin C and Organic Zinc Supplements on Growth Performance, Carcass Yield, Serum Biochemical Values and Antioxidant Status of …

Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science


Effects of arginine and guanidinoacetic acid with or without phenylalanine on ascites susceptibility in cold-stressed broilers fed canola meal-based diet

Journal of Animal Science and Technology


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Younes Ali Alijoo
Younes Ali Alijoo

H-Index: 1

Current problems of Iran's poultry industry

Professional Journal of Domestic


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

The Effect of Adding Different Levels of Valine in Low Protein Diets on Performance, Blood Parameters and Tibial Bone Properties of Ross-308 Broiler Chickens from 8-21 Days

Research On Animal Production


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Hossein Janmohammadi
Hossein Janmohammadi

H-Index: 9

Effects of valine and tryptophan in low protein diets on carcass characteristics and immune response of broiler chickens.


Effect of leucine on performance, blood parameters, fat and protein metabolism and carcass quality and quantity in high fat diet fed broilers under heat stress


Effects of Spirulina Platensis on growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Cecal Microflora of Broiler Chickens

Journal of Animal Science Research


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Mohammad Amir Karimi Torshizi
Mohammad Amir Karimi Torshizi

H-Index: 21

The effect of different dietary leucine levels on performance, carcass quality, and expression of IGF-1 and insulin genes in broiler chickens.


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Seyed Mohammad Hashemi
Seyed Mohammad Hashemi

H-Index: 7

Effect of different dietary methionine levels during grower period of Japanese quails on performance, carcass characteristics, energy and protein efficiencies, breast muscle …


The effects of in ovo injection of synbiotic on hatchability, chick quality, blood indices and performance of newly hatched chicks of Japanese Quail

Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Younes Ali Alijoo
Younes Ali Alijoo

H-Index: 1

Effect of the replacement of soybean meal with a processed protein meal mix on performance, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and cecum microbial population in broiler …

Journal of Animal Environment


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

The effect of different methionine levels in the diet during the early ages of Japanese quails on performance, carcass characteristics and breast muscle composition

Iranian Veterinary Journal


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

The impact of deoxynivalenol contaminated diet on performance, immune response, intestine morphology and jejunal gene expression in broiler chicken



Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

The effect of different levels of Valine in low protein diets on cellular and humoral immunity of broiler chickens

Veterinary Clinical Pathology The Quarterly Scientific Journal


Mohsen Daneshyar
Mohsen Daneshyar

H-Index: 12

Majid Olyayee
Majid Olyayee

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Mohsen Daneshyar University(Urmia University)