Mahdi Zhandi

About Mahdi Zhandi

Mahdi Zhandi, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Reproduction.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of conjugated linoleic acid and sodium acetate on dry matter imtake, performance and milk fatty acid profile in Holstein cows

Effect of feeding Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis probiotics on growth performance, health and blood parameters in suckling Holstein calves

The effect of feeding egg yolk multi-antibodies on growth performance, some blood parameters and feces microbial culture in suckling Holstein calves

Effects of supplementation of some trace minerals on growth performance, biochemical, enzymatic, antioxidant, hormonal and hematological parameters in Holstein suckling calves.

A soy lecithin nanoparticles-based extender effectively cryopreserves Holstein bull sperm

Comparison of Egg Quality Characteristics, Blood Parameters and Liver Histology of Japanese Quails in Different Age Groups

The influence of L‐proline and fulvic acid on oxidative stress and semen quality of buffalo bull semen following cryopreservation

Reducing oxidative stress by κ-carrageenan and C60HyFn: The post-thaw quality and antioxidant status of Azari water buffalo bull semen

Mahdi Zhandi Information



Department of Animal Science



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mahdi Zhandi Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Mahdi Zhandi

Effect of conjugated linoleic acid and sodium acetate on dry matter imtake, performance and milk fatty acid profile in Holstein cows

Iranian Journal of animal Science


Abolfazl Zali
Abolfazl Zali

H-Index: 11

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Effect of feeding Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis probiotics on growth performance, health and blood parameters in suckling Holstein calves

Journal of Ruminant Research


Armin Towhidi
Armin Towhidi

H-Index: 21

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

The effect of feeding egg yolk multi-antibodies on growth performance, some blood parameters and feces microbial culture in suckling Holstein calves

Iranian Journal of animal Science


Armin Towhidi
Armin Towhidi

H-Index: 21

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Effects of supplementation of some trace minerals on growth performance, biochemical, enzymatic, antioxidant, hormonal and hematological parameters in Holstein suckling calves.


A soy lecithin nanoparticles-based extender effectively cryopreserves Holstein bull sperm

Animal Reproduction Science


Comparison of Egg Quality Characteristics, Blood Parameters and Liver Histology of Japanese Quails in Different Age Groups

Research On Animal Production


Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Ali Reza Yousefi
Ali Reza Yousefi

H-Index: 7

The influence of L‐proline and fulvic acid on oxidative stress and semen quality of buffalo bull semen following cryopreservation

Veterinary Medicine and Science


Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Alper Baran
Alper Baran

H-Index: 6

Reducing oxidative stress by κ-carrageenan and C60HyFn: The post-thaw quality and antioxidant status of Azari water buffalo bull semen



Effects of dietary supplementation of tomato pomace (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and L-Arg on reproductive performance of aged male broiler breeders

Poultry Science


Effect of monovalent copper oxide and potentiated zinc oxide on growth performance and gut morphology of broiler chickens challenged with coccidiosis

Biological Trace Element Research


Determining the Optimal Dosage of Lecithin Nanoliposome in Rooster Semen Freezing Medium and Fertility Potential

Biopreservation and Biobanking


Spermatogenesis regeneration by transfected spermatogonial stem cells in infertile roosters through testicular transplantation



Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Hamid-Reza Amini
Hamid-Reza Amini

H-Index: 8

The effect of dietary supplementation of coenzyme Q10 on reproductive variables of cadmium‐challenged male Japanese quails (Coturnix Japonica)

Veterinary Medicine and Science


The effect of dietary coenzyme Q10 supplementation on egg quality and liver histopathology of layer quails under cadmium challenge

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition


Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Mostafa Sadeghi
Mostafa Sadeghi

H-Index: 4

Placentome collection from dairy cows for research purposes and its implications for their future reproductive performance

Journal of Animal Environment


Mehdi Moradi
Mehdi Moradi

H-Index: 4

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

The influence of L-proline and fulvic acid on oxidative stress and semen quality of buffalo bull semen following cryopreservation


Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Alper Baran
Alper Baran

H-Index: 6

The effect of acidifier supplementation on egg production performance and intestinal histology of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

Veterinary Medicine and Science


Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Ali Reza Yousefi
Ali Reza Yousefi

H-Index: 7

اثر تغذیه مولتی آنتی بادی زرده تخم مرغ بر عملکرد رشد، برخی فراسنجه های خونی و کشت میکروبی مدفوع در گوساله های شیرخوار هلشتاین‎

Iranian Journal of Animal Science (IJAS)


Evaluation of the Effects of Bacillus Coagulans on Functional Traits and Microbial Flora of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Broilers

Research On Animal Production


Mojtaba Zaghari
Mojtaba Zaghari

H-Index: 18

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

Gene expression profile of placentomes and clinical parameters in the cows with retained placenta

BMC genomics


Mehdi Moradi
Mehdi Moradi

H-Index: 4

Mahdi Zhandi
Mahdi Zhandi

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Mahdi Zhandi University(University of Tehran)

