Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

About Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, specializes in the field of Bioprocessing, microbial fermentation, nanotechnology, renewable energy, hydrogen energy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evaluating hydrogen production from glucose using graphite felt beads as a solid matrix in immobilized mixed cell reactor at thermophilic fermentation

Sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: Advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment

Conducting polymer as potential retrofitting material for gas diffusion electrode to enhance microbial electrosynthesis: State-of-the-art review

Porous architecture photoelectrode with boosted photoelectrochemical properties for solar fuel production

Enhancing electrochemical performance and membrane stability evaluation of carrageenan/polyvinyl alcohol-graphene oxide membrane in passive DEFCs

Role of microbial electrosynthesis system in CO2 capture and conversion: a recent advancement toward cathode development

Energy scenario in Malaysia: Embarking on the potential use of hydrogen energy

Photosynthetic microbial desalination cell (PhMDC) using Chlamydomonas sp.(UKM6) and Scenedesmus sp.(UKM9) as biocatalysts for electricity production and water treatment

Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin Information



Postdoctoral Researcher Fuel Cell Institute



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin Skills & Research Interests


microbial fermentation


renewable energy

hydrogen energy

Top articles of Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

Evaluating hydrogen production from glucose using graphite felt beads as a solid matrix in immobilized mixed cell reactor at thermophilic fermentation

Communications in Science and Technology


Sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: Advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment


Conducting polymer as potential retrofitting material for gas diffusion electrode to enhance microbial electrosynthesis: State-of-the-art review


Porous architecture photoelectrode with boosted photoelectrochemical properties for solar fuel production


Enhancing electrochemical performance and membrane stability evaluation of carrageenan/polyvinyl alcohol-graphene oxide membrane in passive DEFCs

Materials Letters


Role of microbial electrosynthesis system in CO2 capture and conversion: a recent advancement toward cathode development


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Swee Su Lim
Swee Su Lim

H-Index: 10

Energy scenario in Malaysia: Embarking on the potential use of hydrogen energy


Photosynthetic microbial desalination cell (PhMDC) using Chlamydomonas sp.(UKM6) and Scenedesmus sp.(UKM9) as biocatalysts for electricity production and water treatment

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Challenges and Mitigation Strategies Related to Biohydrogen Production

Materials for Hydrogen Production, Conversion, and Storage


Hydrogen Production from Anaerobic Digestion

Materials for Hydrogen Production, Conversion, and Storage


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed

H-Index: 24

Construction of microbial electrodialysis cells equipped with internal proton migration pathways: Enhancement of wastewater treatment, desalination, and hydrogen production

Science of the Total Environment


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Wan Ramli Wan Daud
Wan Ramli Wan Daud

H-Index: 55

Swee Su Lim
Swee Su Lim

H-Index: 10

Application of Microbial Fuel Cells in Landfill Leachate Treatment


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Swee Su Lim
Swee Su Lim

H-Index: 10

Principle and Working Mechanism of Microbial Fuel Cell


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Swee Su Lim
Swee Su Lim

H-Index: 10

Photocatalytic active metal–organic framework and its derivatives for solar-driven environmental remediation and renewable energy


Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed
Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed

H-Index: 24

Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

High-pressure PEM water electrolyser: A review on challenges and mitigation strategies towards green and low-cost hydrogen production


Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Teuku Husaini
Teuku Husaini

H-Index: 13

Microbial fuel cell-based sensor for Enterobacter sp. KBH6958 activity monitoring during hydrogen production: the effects of pH and glucose concentration

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry


Swee Su Lim
Swee Su Lim

H-Index: 10

Wan Ramli Wan Daud
Wan Ramli Wan Daud

H-Index: 55

Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin
Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin

H-Index: 7

Enhancing hydrogen production through anode fed-batch mode and controlled cell voltage in a microbial electrolysis cell fully catalysed by microorganisms



Reduced graphene oxide as protective material on cuprous oxide nanowire; the challenges and proposal for improvement in photoelectrochemical application

Surface and Coatings Technology


Synthesis of cobalt oxide on FTO by hydrothermal method for photoelectrochemical water splitting application

Applied Sciences


Pushing microbial desalination cells towards field application: prevailing challenges, potential mitigation strategies, and future prospects


See List of Professors in Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin University(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

