Mihael Ries

About Mihael Ries

Mihael Ries, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Sveucilište u Zagrebu, specializes in the field of hearing, balance, ear surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prikaz slučaja bolesnice s aberantnom unutarnjom karotidnom arterijom u srednjem uhu

Poteškoće s pjevačkim glasom u hrvatskih amaterskih i profesionalnih klasičnih pjevača

Singing voice handicap in the Croatian amateur and professional classical singers

Comparison of intratympanic steroid and hyperbaric oxygen salvage therapy hearing outcomes in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective study

Surgical Considerations in Addressing Cholesterol Granuloma of the Petrous Apex through an Infracochlear Approach

Impact of Intraoperative Findings on Hearing in Revision Ear Surgery

Correlation between severity of hearing impairment and permanent vestibular disorder in patients with Meniere’s disease

Salivary cortisone as potential predictor of occupational exposure to noise and related stress

Mihael Ries Information



MD ENT PhD School of Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mihael Ries Skills & Research Interests



ear surgery

Top articles of Mihael Ries

Prikaz slučaja bolesnice s aberantnom unutarnjom karotidnom arterijom u srednjem uhu

Medica Jadertina


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Poteškoće s pjevačkim glasom u hrvatskih amaterskih i profesionalnih klasičnih pjevača

Sigurnost: časopis za sigurnost u radnoj i životnoj okolini


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Singing voice handicap in the Croatian amateur and professional classical singers

Sigurnost: časopis za sigurnost u radnoj i životnoj okolini


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Comparison of intratympanic steroid and hyperbaric oxygen salvage therapy hearing outcomes in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective study

Ear and hearing


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Surgical Considerations in Addressing Cholesterol Granuloma of the Petrous Apex through an Infracochlear Approach



Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Impact of Intraoperative Findings on Hearing in Revision Ear Surgery

Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Correlation between severity of hearing impairment and permanent vestibular disorder in patients with Meniere’s disease


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Salivary cortisone as potential predictor of occupational exposure to noise and related stress

Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Kortizon u slini kao potencijalni prediktor izloženosti buci i povezanom stresu na radnome mjestu

Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Iznenadni gubitak sluha uslijed poljupca u uho

Medica Jadertina


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Tuberkuloza srednjeg uha

Medica Jadertina


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Obostrana paraliza ličnog živca kao početni simptom granulomatoznog poliangitisa-prikaz bolesnice

Medica Jadertina


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Malignant external otitis in 89-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus

Liječnički vjesnik


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Otitis externa maligna u 89-godišnjeg bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću

Liječnički vjesnik


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Utjecaj nošenja slušnog pomagala na kognitivne sposobnosti i subjektivni status tinitusa u bolesnika sa zamjedbenom nagluhošću: pilot studija

Acta clinica Croatica


Nikola Erceg
Nikola Erceg

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Impact of Wearing Hearing Aids on Cognitive Abilities and Subjective Tinnitus in Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Pilot Study

Acta clinica Croatica


Nikola Erceg
Nikola Erceg

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Comparison of Hearing Outcomes After Stapes Surgery Depending on Prosthesis Type: A Retrospective Analysis

Acta Clinica Croatica


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Usporedba postoperativnog praga sluha nakon stapedotomije ovisno o tipu proteze: retrospektivna analiza

Acta clinica Croatica


Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Impact of preoperative antibiotic use in preventing complications of cochlear implantation surgery

Cochlear implants international


Vladimir Bedeković
Vladimir Bedeković

H-Index: 7

Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Preoperative antibiotics for cochlear implantation surgery, are they necessary


Mihael Ries
Mihael Ries

H-Index: 5

Iva Kelava
Iva Kelava

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Mihael Ries University(Sveucilište u Zagrebu)