Michael Goodfellow

Michael Goodfellow

Newcastle University

H-index: 108

Europe-United Kingdom

About Michael Goodfellow

Michael Goodfellow, With an exceptional h-index of 108 and a recent h-index of 54 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Newcastle University, specializes in the field of microbial systematics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

O72: Machine perfusion in deceased-donor kidney transplantation: Cochrane review and meta-analysis

Novel method to plan and design services. Using software to optimise the head and neck cancer patient’s commute to hospital

Is the bacterial genus name Rhodococcus Zopf 1891 illegitimate? Request for an Opinion

Rhodococcus indonesiensis sp. nov. a new member of the Rhodococcus ruber lineage isolated from sediment of a neutral hot spring and reclassification of Rhodococcus …

Micromonospora parastrephiae sp. nov. and Micromonospora tarensis sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of a Parastrephia quadrangularis plant growing in …

Donor Liver Blood Tests and Liver Transplant Outcomes: UK Registry Cohort Study

Streptantibioticus silvisoli sp. nov., acidotolerant actinomycetes from pine litter, reclassification of Streptomyces cocklensis, Streptomyces ferralitis, Streptomyces …

Generation of a high quality library of bioactive filamentous actinomycetes from extreme biomes using a culture-based bioprospecting strategy

Michael Goodfellow Information



Professor of Microbial Systematics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Michael Goodfellow Skills & Research Interests

microbial systematics

Top articles of Michael Goodfellow

O72: Machine perfusion in deceased-donor kidney transplantation: Cochrane review and meta-analysis


Novel method to plan and design services. Using software to optimise the head and neck cancer patient’s commute to hospital

British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Is the bacterial genus name Rhodococcus Zopf 1891 illegitimate? Request for an Opinion

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Vartul Sangal
Vartul Sangal

H-Index: 17

Rhodococcus indonesiensis sp. nov. a new member of the Rhodococcus ruber lineage isolated from sediment of a neutral hot spring and reclassification of Rhodococcus …

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Micromonospora parastrephiae sp. nov. and Micromonospora tarensis sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of a Parastrephia quadrangularis plant growing in …

International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology


Rana Jawad
Rana Jawad

H-Index: 10

Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Donor Liver Blood Tests and Liver Transplant Outcomes: UK Registry Cohort Study



Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Streptantibioticus silvisoli sp. nov., acidotolerant actinomycetes from pine litter, reclassification of Streptomyces cocklensis, Streptomyces ferralitis, Streptomyces …

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Vartul Sangal
Vartul Sangal

H-Index: 17

Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Generation of a high quality library of bioactive filamentous actinomycetes from extreme biomes using a culture-based bioprospecting strategy

Frontiers in Microbiology


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Entering Poorly Charted Waters The Biology of the Filamentous Acid-loving Actinomycetes and Acidimicrobia


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Vartul Sangal
Vartul Sangal

H-Index: 17

Novel species of Frankia, Frankia gtarii sp. nov. and Frankia tisai sp. nov., isolated from a root nodule of Alnus glutinosa

Systematic and Applied Microbiology


Hans-Peter Klenk
Hans-Peter Klenk

H-Index: 50

Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Early versus late removal of urinary catheter after kidney transplantation


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson

H-Index: 20

Nocardia noduli sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium with biotechnological potential

Archives of Microbiology


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Genome insights into the pharmaceutical and plant growth promoting features of the novel species Nocardia alni sp. nov

BMC genomics


Jongsik Chun
Jongsik Chun

H-Index: 43

Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

The diagnostic yield of head and neck imaging in symptomatic patients with a normal clinical examination

Head & Neck


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Gordonia pseudamarae sp. nov., a home for novel actinobacteria isolated from stable foams on activated sludge wastewater treatment plants

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Discovery, isolation, heterologous expression and mode-of-action studies of the antibiotic polyketide tatiomicin from Amycolatopsis sp. DEM30355

Scientific reports


A stable home for an equine pathogen: valid publication of the binomial Prescottella equi gen. nov., comb. nov., and reclassification of four rhodococcal species into the genus …

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Actinospica acidithermotolerans sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from sediment from an Indonesian hot spring

Archives of Microbiology


Michael Goodfellow
Michael Goodfellow

H-Index: 54

Systematic whole-genome sequencing reveals an unexpected diversity among actinomycetoma pathogens and provides insights into their antibacterial susceptibilities

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases


Mental well-being interventions in the military: the ten key principles


See List of Professors in Michael Goodfellow University(Newcastle University)