Meley Mekonen Rannestad

About Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Meley Mekonen Rannestad, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, specializes in the field of Forest, Climate change, Environmental economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Vegetation density and altitude determine the supply of dry Afromontane forest ecosystem services: Evidence from Ethiopia

Financial returns of Rhamnus prinoides based agroforestry practice in Tigray, Ethiopia

Edible Indigenous Fruit Trees and Shrubs in Tigray, Ethiopia

Distribution of expansive shrubs under climate change scenarios and their socio-economic impacts in a dry Afromontane Forest

Ecosystem Services Valuation of Dry Afromontane Forests Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tigray–northern Ethiopian Highlands

Sustainability of frankincense production in Tigray, Ethiopia: an emergy synthesis

Armed Conflict in Tigray Sets Back Decades of Ecosystem Restoration Efforts

Remote sensing reveals how armed conflict regressed woody vegetation cover and ecosystem restoration efforts in Tigray, Ethiopia

Meley Mekonen Rannestad Information



Researcher at the (NMBU)



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Meley Mekonen Rannestad Skills & Research Interests


Climate change

Environmental economics

Top articles of Meley Mekonen Rannestad




Publication Date

Vegetation density and altitude determine the supply of dry Afromontane forest ecosystem services: Evidence from Ethiopia

Forest Ecology and Management

Bianca Wulansari Kassun

A Maarit I Kallio

Erik Trømborg

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


Financial returns of Rhamnus prinoides based agroforestry practice in Tigray, Ethiopia

Agroforestry Systems

Abadi Tesfay

Emiru Birhane

Destaalem Gebremeskel

Abrha Megos Meressa

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


Edible Indigenous Fruit Trees and Shrubs in Tigray, Ethiopia

Trees, Forests and People

Abadi Tesfay

Sarah Tewolde-Berhan

Emiru Birhane

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Anbesa Gebretsadik



Distribution of expansive shrubs under climate change scenarios and their socio-economic impacts in a dry Afromontane Forest

Trees, Forests and People

Mebrahtu Haile

Hagos Semere

Emiru Birhane

Zenebe Abraha

Meley Mekonen Rannestad



Ecosystem Services Valuation of Dry Afromontane Forests Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tigray–northern Ethiopian Highlands

Eskinder Gidey

Medhn Gidey

Emiru Birhane

Tewodros Tadesse

Meley Mekonen Rannestad



Sustainability of frankincense production in Tigray, Ethiopia: an emergy synthesis

Journal of Forest Business Research

Abadi Tesfay

Emiru Birhane

Kiros Gebrehiwot

Girmay Tesfay

Negasi Solomon



Armed Conflict in Tigray Sets Back Decades of Ecosystem Restoration Efforts

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Emnet Negash

Emiru Berhane

Sofie Annys

Mewcha Amha Gebremedhin



Remote sensing reveals how armed conflict regressed woody vegetation cover and ecosystem restoration efforts in Tigray, Ethiopia

Emnet Negash

Emiru Birhane

Aster Gebrekirstos

Mewcha Amha Gebremedhin

Sofie Annys



Risk preferences, adoption and welfare impacts of multiple agroforestry practices

Forest Policy and Economics

Bereket Gebremedhin

Tewodros Tadesse

Amanuel Hadera

Girmay Tesfay

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


Modeling of the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Resource Management in Northern Ethiopian Highlands

Eskinder Gidey

Paidamwoyo Mhangara

Emiru Birhane

Medhn Gidey

Oagile Dikinya



Forest benefits and willingness to pay for sustainable forest management

Forest Policy and Economics

Tewodros Tadesse

Gebreegziabher Teklay

Dawit W Mulatu

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Tigabu Molla Meresa



Reducing Environmental Pressure and Improving Welfare Through Solar Home Systems in Ethiopia

Available at SSRN 4294916

Gebrehiwot Gebreselassie

Tewodros Tadesse

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Melaku Berhe Reda


Determinants of household energy choices in rural sub-Saharan Africa: An example from southern Ethiopia


Yibeltal T Wassie

Meley M Rannestad

Muyiwa S Adaramola


Species diversity and stand structural diversity of woody plants predominantly determine aboveground carbon stock of a dry Afromontane forest in Northern Ethiopia

Forest Ecology and Management

Buruh Abebe Tetemke

Emiru Birhane

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Tron Eid


Challenges and strategy for successful restoration of dry evergreen Afromontane forests of Ethiopia

Физиология Человека

Fisseha Asmelash

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


Biomass and soil carbon stocks of Rhamnus prinoides based agroforestry practice with varied density in the drylands of Northern Ethiopia

Agroforestry Systems

Destaalem Gebremeskel

Emiru Birhane

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Semae Gebre

Girmay Tesfay


Carbon Stock and Soil Characteristics under Expansive Shrubs in the Dry Afromontane Forest in Northern Ethiopia

International Journal of Forestry Research

Mebrahtu Haile

Emiru Birhane

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Muyiwa S. Adaramola


Grazing exclosures increase soil organic carbon stock at a rate greater than “4 per 1000” per year across agricultural landscapes in Northern Ethiopia

Science of the Total Environment

Florent Noulèkoun

Emiru Birhane

Habtemariam Kassa

Alemayehu Berhe

Zefere Mulaw Gebremichael



Willingness to accept compensation for afromontane forest ecosystems conservation

Land Use Policy

Tewodros Tadesse

Tsegay Berhane

Dawit W Mulatu

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


Expansive shrubs: expansion factors and ecological impacts in Northern Ethiopia

Journal for Nature Conservation

Mebrahtu Haile

Emiru Birhane

Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Muyiwa S Adaramola


See List of Professors in Meley Mekonen Rannestad University(Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet)