Mehran karimpour-fard

About Mehran karimpour-fard

Mehran karimpour-fard, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Iran University of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of Foundation Engineering, Mechanics of non-conventional materials.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Modeling the mechanical behaviour of fibre reinforced sands

Reliability analysis and risk assessment of a landfill slope failure in spatially variable municipal solid waste

Thermal effects on the compressibility and permeability of municipal solid waste landfills

Undrained Bearing Capacity of Circular and Square Footings above Centric and Eccentric Three-Dimensional Cavities

A laboratory investigation on the effect of crushability on the interface parameters of Hormoz carbonated soil

Experimental review on the effective stress equation in sand–EPS mixtures

Crack simulation for the cover of the landfill–A seismic design

Influence of polyurethane in the polymerization process for poorly graded sand stabilization and cementing

Mehran karimpour-fard Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mehran karimpour-fard Skills & Research Interests

Foundation Engineering

Mechanics of non-conventional materials

Top articles of Mehran karimpour-fard

Modeling the mechanical behaviour of fibre reinforced sands

Geomechanics and Geoengineering


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Reliability analysis and risk assessment of a landfill slope failure in spatially variable municipal solid waste

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Thermal effects on the compressibility and permeability of municipal solid waste landfills

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Undrained Bearing Capacity of Circular and Square Footings above Centric and Eccentric Three-Dimensional Cavities

International Journal of Geomechanics


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Mohammad Aminpour
Mohammad Aminpour

H-Index: 4

A laboratory investigation on the effect of crushability on the interface parameters of Hormoz carbonated soil

Marine Georesources & Geotechnology


Alireza Ahadi
Alireza Ahadi

H-Index: 1

Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Experimental review on the effective stress equation in sand–EPS mixtures


Crack simulation for the cover of the landfill–A seismic design

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Omer Mughieda
Omer Mughieda

H-Index: 5

Filippo Berto
Filippo Berto

H-Index: 54

Influence of polyurethane in the polymerization process for poorly graded sand stabilization and cementing

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Nader Shariatmadari
Nader Shariatmadari

H-Index: 12

Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Thermo–hydro–mechanical response of MSW in a modified large oedometer apparatus

International Journal of Geomechanics


A strategy in developing standards for the liner of municipal solid waste landfills in Iran

Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering


Mohammad Hashemi
Mohammad Hashemi

H-Index: 14

Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Prediction of the displacement mechanism of the cracked soil using NXFEM and Artificial Neural Networks

Procedia Structural Integrity


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Filippo Berto
Filippo Berto

H-Index: 54

Portland cement solidified construction waste using MSW leachate and phosphate admixtures

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management


Mehdi Homaee
Mehdi Homaee

H-Index: 30

Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

The seismic resistance simulation for cracked clayey backfill

Engineering Failure Analysis


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Development of an empirical model to capture fiber reinforcement effect on shear strength of soils

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Crushability and compressibility of carbonate and siliceous sands in the one-dimensional oedometer test

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

The zoning of soil strength parameters in Rasht using Geographical Information System (GIS)

Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Meysam Effati
Meysam Effati

H-Index: 3

Laboratory Study on Dynamic Properties of Municipal Solid Waste in Saravan Landfill, Iran

International Journal of Civil Engineering


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Sandro Lemos Machado
Sandro Lemos Machado

H-Index: 13

A new approach to estimate the bearing capacity of driven piles

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

Nader Shariatmadari
Nader Shariatmadari

H-Index: 12

Shaking table study on sand-EPS beads-mixtures using a laminar box

Geosynthetics international


Effects of anisotropy in correlation structure on reliability-based slope stability analysis of a landfill

Waste Management & Research


Nader Shariatmadari
Nader Shariatmadari

H-Index: 12

Mehran Karimpour-Fard
Mehran Karimpour-Fard

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Mehran karimpour-fard University(Iran University of Science and Technology)

