Reza Rezvani

About Reza Rezvani

Reza Rezvani, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of clinical nutrition, obesity, sport nutrition, built environment and life style determinants.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prevalence and Severity of Chronic Pulmonary Disease and Its Lifestyle Determinants in the Persian Cohort Study Mashhad: A Cohort Study Protocol

Acylation stimulating protein/C3adesArg in the metabolic states: role of adipocyte dysfunction in obesity complications

Association of Covid-19 Infection with Physical Activity and Food Intake; Mashhad PERSIAN Cohort Results

Navigating sarcopenia in COVID‐19 patients and survivors: Understanding the long‐term consequences, transitioning from hospital to community with mechanisms and interventions …

Associations of glycemic index and glycemic load of diet with arterial stiffness in the Persian cohort of mashhad

Mini Nutrition Assessment‐Short Form score is associated with sarcopenia even among nourished people–A result of a feasibility study of a registry

Animal and plant‐based proteins have different postprandial effects on energy expenditure, glycemia, insulinemia, and lipemia: A review of controlled clinical trials

High-dose vitamin D supplementation is related to an improvement in serum alkaline phosphatase in COVID-19 patients; a randomized double-blinded clinical trial

Reza Rezvani Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Reza Rezvani Skills & Research Interests

clinical nutrition


sport nutrition

built environment and life style determinants

Top articles of Reza Rezvani

Prevalence and Severity of Chronic Pulmonary Disease and Its Lifestyle Determinants in the Persian Cohort Study Mashhad: A Cohort Study Protocol

Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health


Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Acylation stimulating protein/C3adesArg in the metabolic states: role of adipocyte dysfunction in obesity complications


Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Association of Covid-19 Infection with Physical Activity and Food Intake; Mashhad PERSIAN Cohort Results

Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health


Navigating sarcopenia in COVID‐19 patients and survivors: Understanding the long‐term consequences, transitioning from hospital to community with mechanisms and interventions …


Sajedeh Jandari
Sajedeh Jandari

H-Index: 2

Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Associations of glycemic index and glycemic load of diet with arterial stiffness in the Persian cohort of mashhad

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN


Mini Nutrition Assessment‐Short Form score is associated with sarcopenia even among nourished people–A result of a feasibility study of a registry

Aging Medicine


Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Animal and plant‐based proteins have different postprandial effects on energy expenditure, glycemia, insulinemia, and lipemia: A review of controlled clinical trials


High-dose vitamin D supplementation is related to an improvement in serum alkaline phosphatase in COVID-19 patients; a randomized double-blinded clinical trial

Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition


Association of dietary intake and cervical cancer: a prevention strategy

Infectious Agents and Cancer


Association of time‐restricted feeding, arterial age, and arterial stiffness in adults with metabolic syndrome

Health Science Reports


Isolation and some basic characteristics of lactic acid bacteria from beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)—A preliminary study

Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal


Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Asma Afshari
Asma Afshari

H-Index: 10

Postprandial effects of dietary protein source on metabolic responses, appetite, and arterial stiffness indices in overweight and obese men: the study protocol for a randomized …



The effect of low dietary inflammatory index score formula on inflammatory, metabolic, and clinical outcomes in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients: A single‐blind …

Food Science & Nutrition


Sarcopenia in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): All to Know from Basic to Nutritional Interventions from Hospital to Home


Sajedeh Jandari
Sajedeh Jandari

H-Index: 2

Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

The Effects of Different Temperaments on Vascular Parameters: A Pilot Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial

Recent Advances in Food Nutrition & Agriculture


Impact of gastric bypass surgery on the liver fibrosis of patients with extreme obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in 30-month follow-up

Updates in Surgery


Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

Ali Jangjoo
Ali Jangjoo

H-Index: 15

Examine the association of nutrients, lifestyle, and related factors with the risk of depression in a well-nourished over-55-years old community

Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism


La frecuencia de alimentación tiene una correlación inversa con las medidas de adiposidad y los parámetros de rigidez arterial no invasivos en personas adultas sanas

Clínica e Investigación en Arteriosclerosis


Eating frequency has an inverse correlation with adiposity measures and non-invasive arterial stiffness parameters in healthy adult people

Clínica e Investigación en Arteriosclerosis (English Edition)


Lida Jarahi
Lida Jarahi

H-Index: 12

Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

The Effectiveness of eHealth Nutritional Interventions in Middle-Aged and Older Adults-A Systematic Review.


Sajedeh Jandari
Sajedeh Jandari

H-Index: 2

Reza Rezvani
Reza Rezvani

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Reza Rezvani University(Mashhad University of Medical Sciences)

