Mathias Kraus

About Mathias Kraus

Mathias Kraus, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, specializes in the field of Machine Learning, Business Analytics, Interpretable AI, Decision Support Systems.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk

Multimodal in-vehicle hypoglycemia warning for drivers with type 1 diabetes: design and evaluation in simulated and real-world driving

IGANN Sparse: Bridging Sparsity and Interpretability with Non-linear Insight

Dimensions of Intelligent Analytics for Smart Digital Health Solutions

Smartwatches for non‐invasive hypoglycaemia detection during cognitive and psychomotor stress

Bridging the gap in ESG measurement: Using NLP to quantify environmental, social, and governance communication

Towards Faithful and Robust LLM Specialists for Evidence-Based Question-Answering

Machine Learning to Infer a Health State Using Biomedical Signals—Detection of Hypoglycemia in People with Diabetes while Driving Real Cars

Mathias Kraus Information



FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Mathias Kraus Skills & Research Interests

Machine Learning

Business Analytics

Interpretable AI

Decision Support Systems

Top articles of Mathias Kraus

How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk

Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Markus Leippold
Markus Leippold

H-Index: 16

Multimodal in-vehicle hypoglycemia warning for drivers with type 1 diabetes: design and evaluation in simulated and real-world driving

JMIR human factors


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Felix Wortmann
Felix Wortmann

H-Index: 21

IGANN Sparse: Bridging Sparsity and Interpretability with Non-linear Insight


Patrick Zschech
Patrick Zschech

H-Index: 6

Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Dimensions of Intelligent Analytics for Smart Digital Health Solutions


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Smartwatches for non‐invasive hypoglycaemia detection during cognitive and psychomotor stress

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Felix Wortmann
Felix Wortmann

H-Index: 21

Bridging the gap in ESG measurement: Using NLP to quantify environmental, social, and governance communication

Finance Research Letters


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Markus Leippold
Markus Leippold

H-Index: 16

Towards Faithful and Robust LLM Specialists for Evidence-Based Question-Answering

arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08277


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Markus Leippold
Markus Leippold

H-Index: 16

Machine Learning to Infer a Health State Using Biomedical Signals—Detection of Hypoglycemia in People with Diabetes while Driving Real Cars

New England Journal of Medicine AI


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Felix Wortmann
Felix Wortmann

H-Index: 21

A Globally Convergent Algorithm for Neural Network Parameter Optimization Based on Difference-of-Convex Functions

Transactions on Machine Learning Research


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Effectiveness and User Perception of an In-Vehicle Voice Warning for Hypoglycemia: Development and Feasibility Trial

JMIR Human Factors


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Felix Wortmann
Felix Wortmann

H-Index: 21

Coupling Neural Networks Between Clusters for Better Personalized Care


Interpretable AI in Healthcare


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

A Possible Blockchain Architecture for Healthcare: Insights from Catena-X


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Data-driven allocation of preventive care with application to diabetes mellitus type II

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Glycaemic patterns of male professional athletes with type 1 diabetes during exercise, recovery and sleep: Retrospective, observational study over an entire competitive season

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Felix Wortmann
Felix Wortmann

H-Index: 21

CHATREPORT: Democratizing Sustainability Disclosure Analysis through LLM-based Tools

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.15770


Environmental Claim Detection

Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


Markus Leippold
Markus Leippold

H-Index: 16

Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

A dataset for detecting real-world environmental claims


Markus Leippold
Markus Leippold

H-Index: 16

Mathias Kraus
Mathias Kraus

H-Index: 6

Paradigm Shift in Sustainability Disclosure Analysis: Empowering Stakeholders with CHATREPORT, a Language Model-Based Tool

arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.15518


Interpretable generalized additive neural networks

European Journal of Operational Research


See List of Professors in Mathias Kraus University(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)