Martine Hébert

About Martine Hébert

Martine Hébert, With an exceptional h-index of 67 and a recent h-index of 44 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université du Québec à Montréal, specializes in the field of Child sexual abuse, Teen dating violence, Child maltreatment, Interpersonal trauma, Complex trauma.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Executive functioning in child victims of sexual abuse: A multi-informant comparative study

Investigating the role of alexithymia in the association between cumulative childhood maltreatment and teen dating violence victimization

The investigation of sleep patterns in relation to interpersonal violence victimization and mental health in adolescent girls.

Alexithymia as a mediator of the associations between child maltreatment and internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescence

Bystanders’ intentions to help in intimate partner violence and sexual assault situations: A cross-cultural study

A latent class analysis of adolescent dating violence: associations with daily conflict management

Implementing a sexual violence prevention program in two Canadian Indigenous communities: challenges and lessons learned

Dating disagreements in adolescents: The role of daily romantic attachment and stress

Martine Hébert Information



Canada Research Chair in Interpersonal Traumas and Resilience -



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Martine Hébert Skills & Research Interests

Child sexual abuse

Teen dating violence

Child maltreatment

Interpersonal trauma

Complex trauma

Top articles of Martine Hébert

Executive functioning in child victims of sexual abuse: A multi-informant comparative study

Child Abuse & Neglect


Investigating the role of alexithymia in the association between cumulative childhood maltreatment and teen dating violence victimization

Journal of psychiatric research


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

The investigation of sleep patterns in relation to interpersonal violence victimization and mental health in adolescent girls.

Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy


Rachel Langevin
Rachel Langevin

H-Index: 9

Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Alexithymia as a mediator of the associations between child maltreatment and internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescence

Scientific reports


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Jacinthe Dion
Jacinthe Dion

H-Index: 17

Bystanders’ intentions to help in intimate partner violence and sexual assault situations: A cross-cultural study

Community Psychology in Global Perspective


A latent class analysis of adolescent dating violence: associations with daily conflict management

Child Abuse & Neglect


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Implementing a sexual violence prevention program in two Canadian Indigenous communities: challenges and lessons learned

Child abuse & neglect


Jacinthe Dion
Jacinthe Dion

H-Index: 17

Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Dating disagreements in adolescents: The role of daily romantic attachment and stress

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Chantal Cyr
Chantal Cyr

H-Index: 22

Adapting adolescent dating violence prevention interventions to victims of child sexual abuse

Health promotion practice


Geneviève Brodeur
Geneviève Brodeur

H-Index: 3

Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Synthèse des connaissances des pratiques d’intervention ciblant les violences sexuelles exercées en contexte conjugal


Dating violence victimization disparities across sexual orientation of a population-based sample of adolescents: An adverse childhood experiences perspective.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity


Martin Blais
Martin Blais

H-Index: 20

Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

The associations between self-silencing and delinquency in adolescent who experienced child sexual abuse

Journal of child sexual abuse


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Context-Specific Use of Conflict Management Strategies in Adolescent Dating Relationships: A Daily Study on Attachment, Hostile Attributions, and Stress

Journal of Family Violence


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Chantal Cyr
Chantal Cyr

H-Index: 22

Youth’s Experiences of Cyber Violence in Intimate Relationships: A Matter of Love and Trust

Journal of child sexual abuse


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Geneviève Brodeur
Geneviève Brodeur

H-Index: 3

“I would have liked to be better prepared for the real things”: A qualitative analysis of school-based sexual health education received by girls who have experienced …

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality


Geneviève Brodeur
Geneviève Brodeur

H-Index: 3

Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Validation d’une version canadienne-française de l’Échelle de Stress parental auprès de Parents québécois.

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Natacha Godbout
Natacha Godbout

H-Index: 26

Validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) in a sample of Quebec French-speaking youth and associations with trauma and PTSD.

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement


Martine Hébert
Martine Hébert

H-Index: 41

Who seeks sex therapy? Sexual dysfunction prevalence and correlates, and help-seeking among clinical and community samples

Plos one


Intimate partner violence: Defining the pharmacist’s role

Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada


Childhood abuse, intimate partner violence in young adulthood, and welfare receipt by midlife



See List of Professors in Martine Hébert University(Université du Québec à Montréal)

