Martin Krššák

About Martin Krššák

Martin Krššák, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Medizinische Universität Wien, specializes in the field of Magnetic Resonance, Metabolism.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Whole‐brain deuterium metabolic imaging via concentric ring trajectory readout enables assessment of regional variations in neuronal glucose metabolism

Sex differences in hepatic and cardiac lipid accumulation and cardiac function across a cohort with a wide range of glycemic control: A secondary, cross-sectional analysis

Editorial for" Multi-Parametric Ageing Study Across Adulthood in the Leg Through Quantitative MR Imaging, 1H Spectroscopy and 31P Spectroscopy at 3T".

Correlation between skeletal muscle acetylcarnitine and phosphocreatine metabolism during submaximal exercise and recovery: interleaved 1H/31P MRS 7 T study

Gpcpd1–GPC metabolic pathway is dysfunctional in aging and its deficiency severely perturbs glucose metabolism

The Effects of 3‐month Aerobic‐Strength Training on Cognitive Functions and Adiponectin Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood in the Elderly

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as Non-Invasive Tool for Assessing Brain and Muscle Adaptation to Physical Exercise in Older Age: a Scoping Review

Effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy on cardiovascular risk factors focusing on glucose metabolism in an Austrian transgender cohort

Martin Krššák Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Martin Krššák Skills & Research Interests

Magnetic Resonance


Top articles of Martin Krššák

Whole‐brain deuterium metabolic imaging via concentric ring trajectory readout enables assessment of regional variations in neuronal glucose metabolism

Human Brain Mapping


Sex differences in hepatic and cardiac lipid accumulation and cardiac function across a cohort with a wide range of glycemic control: A secondary, cross-sectional analysis


Editorial for" Multi-Parametric Ageing Study Across Adulthood in the Leg Through Quantitative MR Imaging, 1H Spectroscopy and 31P Spectroscopy at 3T".

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: JMRI


Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

Correlation between skeletal muscle acetylcarnitine and phosphocreatine metabolism during submaximal exercise and recovery: interleaved 1H/31P MRS 7 T study

Scientific Reports


Siegfried Trattnig
Siegfried Trattnig

H-Index: 49

Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

Gpcpd1–GPC metabolic pathway is dysfunctional in aging and its deficiency severely perturbs glucose metabolism

Nature Aging


The Effects of 3‐month Aerobic‐Strength Training on Cognitive Functions and Adiponectin Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood in the Elderly

Alzheimer's & Dementia


Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as Non-Invasive Tool for Assessing Brain and Muscle Adaptation to Physical Exercise in Older Age: a Scoping Review


Effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy on cardiovascular risk factors focusing on glucose metabolism in an Austrian transgender cohort

International Journal of Transgender Health


Novel approach using [18F] FTHA-PET and de novo synthesized VLDL for assessment of FFA metabolism in a rat model of diet induced NAFLD

Clinical Nutrition


Thomas Scherer
Thomas Scherer

H-Index: 16

Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

Increased GH/IGF-I Axis Activity Relates to Lower Hepatic Lipids and Phosphor Metabolism

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism


Reproducibility of 3D MRSI for imaging human brain glucose metabolism using direct (2H) and indirect (1H) detection of deuterium labeled compounds at 7T and clinical 3T



2H labeling enables non-invasive 3D proton MR imaging of glucose and neurotransmitter metabolism at 7T in the human brain

Nature biomedical engineering


1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of deuterated glucose and of neurotransmitter metabolism at 7 T in the human brain

Nature Biomedical Engineering


Noninvasive 3-dimensional 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of human brain glucose and neurotransmitter metabolism using deuterium labeling at 3t: feasibility and …

Investigative Radiology


Growth hormone treatment tends to promote hepatic VLDL1-triglyceride export in humans

Endocrine Abstracts


Potential role of skeletal muscle glycerophosphocholine in response to altered fluid balance in humans: an in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance study

American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism


Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

Michael Krebs
Michael Krebs

H-Index: 26

Ectopic lipid metabolism in anterior pituitary dysfunction


Supplementation-induced change in muscle carnosine is paralleled by changes in muscle metabolism, protein glycation and reactive carbonyl species sequestering

Physiological Research


Skeletal muscle fat


Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

Non-invasive profiling of ectopic and adipose lipids using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging


Martin Krššák
Martin Krššák

H-Index: 30

See List of Professors in Martin Krššák University(Medizinische Universität Wien)