Liye Zhu

Liye Zhu

University of California, Los Angeles

H-index: 18

North America-United States

About Liye Zhu

Liye Zhu, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Los Angeles,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

High exposure of ultrafine particles at Guangzhou bus stops and the impact of urban layout

Effect of urban green infrastructure on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles: a case study of Guangzhou, China

Air Quality Index (AQI) did not improve during the COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai, China, in 2022, based on ground and TROPOMI observations

High spatiotemporal resolution estimation of AOD from Himawari-8 using an ensemble machine learning gap-filling method

Impact of NH3 Emissions on Particulate Matter Pollution in South Korea: A Case Study of the Seoul Metropolitan Area

Estimation of high spatial resolution ground-level ozone concentrations based on Landsat 8 TIR bands with deep forest model

Global spatiotemporal estimation of daily high-resolution surface carbon monoxide concentrations using Deep Forest

4D‐Var Inversion of European NH3 Emissions Using CrIS NH3 Measurements and GEOS‐Chem Adjoint With Bi‐Directional and Uni‐Directional Flux Schemes

Liye Zhu Information



Postdoctoral Scholar



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Liye Zhu

High exposure of ultrafine particles at Guangzhou bus stops and the impact of urban layout

Urban Climate


Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Effect of urban green infrastructure on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles: a case study of Guangzhou, China

Urban Climate


Yan He
Yan He

H-Index: 1

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Air Quality Index (AQI) did not improve during the COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai, China, in 2022, based on ground and TROPOMI observations

Remote Sensing


Jianbo Wang
Jianbo Wang

H-Index: 4

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

High spatiotemporal resolution estimation of AOD from Himawari-8 using an ensemble machine learning gap-filling method

Science of the Total Environment


Impact of NH3 Emissions on Particulate Matter Pollution in South Korea: A Case Study of the Seoul Metropolitan Area



Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Estimation of high spatial resolution ground-level ozone concentrations based on Landsat 8 TIR bands with deep forest model



Global spatiotemporal estimation of daily high-resolution surface carbon monoxide concentrations using Deep Forest

Journal of Cleaner Production


4D‐Var Inversion of European NH3 Emissions Using CrIS NH3 Measurements and GEOS‐Chem Adjoint With Bi‐Directional and Uni‐Directional Flux Schemes

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Mario Meier
Mario Meier

H-Index: 0

Vertical profile of ozone derived from combined MLS and TES satellite observations

Remote Sensing


Long-Term Variation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Observed by MLS during 2005–2020

Remote Sensing


Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Qiangqiang Yuan
Qiangqiang Yuan

H-Index: 32

Spatiotemporal estimation of hourly 2-km ground-level ozone over China based on Himawari-8 using a self-adaptive geospatially local model

Geoscience Frontiers


Estimating daily full-coverage near surface O3, CO, and NO2 concentrations at a high spatial resolution over China based on S5P-TROPOMI and GEOS-FP

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


Clean air in cities: Impact of the layout of buildings in urban areas on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles from traffic

Atmospheric Environment


Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Marcelo Chamecki
Marcelo Chamecki

H-Index: 21

An LSTM-based neural network method of particulate pollution forecast in China

Environmental Research Letters


Qiangqiang Yuan
Qiangqiang Yuan

H-Index: 32

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Estimate hourly PM2. 5 concentrations from Himawari-8 TOA reflectance directly using geo-intelligent long short-term memory network

Environmental Pollution


Inverse modeling of NH3 sources using CrIS remote sensing


Gan Luo
Gan Luo

H-Index: 2

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Evaluating the impacts of updated aerodynamic roughness length in the WRF/Chem model over Pearl River Delta

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics


Chong Shen
Chong Shen

H-Index: 9

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

MEaSUREs Project for H2CO, C2H2O2, and H2O Long-Term Consistent Records from GOME to OMI and Beyond

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


NH3 emission trends from 2013 to 2018 over Europe constrained using CrIS remote sensing measurements of NH3

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Mark Shephard
Mark Shephard

H-Index: 10

Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

NH3 observations from CrIS show a continuously increasing trend over China.

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Liye Zhu
Liye Zhu

H-Index: 11

Mark Shephard
Mark Shephard

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Liye Zhu University(University of California, Los Angeles)