Leoandra Onnie Rogers

About Leoandra Onnie Rogers

Leoandra Onnie Rogers, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at North Western University, specializes in the field of identity, intersectionality, child and adolescent development, stereotypes, qualitative.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Lessons on Listening from Carol Gilligan for the Psychological Study of Human Development

" I don't think there is much racism left": A critical analysis of White adolescents'(un) awareness of white privilege.

“Where’s My People?”: An Investigation of the Structure and Content of Black and Latinx College Students’ Ethnic-Racial Identity Narratives

Exploring whether and how Black and White parents talk with their children about race: M (ai) cro race conversations about Black Lives Matter.

Intersectionality and identity: A systematic review and qualitative analysis of US research in psychological science

Exploring young men’s experience of resistance to masculine norms

Family Racial/Ethnic socialization through the Lens of Multiracial Black Identity: AM (ai) cro analysis of meaning-making

Documenting racial disparities or disrupting racism?: a call to center systems of power, privilege, and oppression in psychological and pediatric research

Leoandra Onnie Rogers Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Leoandra Onnie Rogers Skills & Research Interests



child and adolescent development



Top articles of Leoandra Onnie Rogers

Lessons on Listening from Carol Gilligan for the Psychological Study of Human Development

Harvard Educational Review


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

" I don't think there is much racism left": A critical analysis of White adolescents'(un) awareness of white privilege.

Qualitative Psychology


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

“Where’s My People?”: An Investigation of the Structure and Content of Black and Latinx College Students’ Ethnic-Racial Identity Narratives

Emerging Adulthood


Ursula Moffitt
Ursula Moffitt

H-Index: 6

Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Exploring whether and how Black and White parents talk with their children about race: M (ai) cro race conversations about Black Lives Matter.

Developmental psychology


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Katharine E Scott
Katharine E Scott

H-Index: 3

Intersectionality and identity: A systematic review and qualitative analysis of US research in psychological science


Ursula Moffitt
Ursula Moffitt

H-Index: 6

Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Exploring young men’s experience of resistance to masculine norms

Emerging Adulthood


Family Racial/Ethnic socialization through the Lens of Multiracial Black Identity: AM (ai) cro analysis of meaning-making

Race and social problems


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Documenting racial disparities or disrupting racism?: a call to center systems of power, privilege, and oppression in psychological and pediatric research

JAMA pediatrics


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Research as resistance: Naming and dismantling the master narrative of “good” science


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Ursula Moffitt
Ursula Moffitt

H-Index: 6

Moin Syed
Moin Syed

H-Index: 44

The good and the bad in black and white: Stories of life’s high and low points told by black and white midlife adults in America

Journal of Research in Personality


Studying ethnic‐racial identity among white youth: White supremacy as a developmental context

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Ursula Moffitt
Ursula Moffitt

H-Index: 6

Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Lessons of resistance from black mothers to their black sons

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Beyond ethnicity: Applying Helms’s white racial identity development model among white youth

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Ursula Moffitt
Ursula Moffitt

H-Index: 6

Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Expanding the social psychological study of educators through humanizing principles


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

From promoting healthy masculinities to nurturing healthy humans and societies: Commentary on Di Bianca and Mahalik (2022).


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

“[E] ven though we don’t have everything… We build our own thing”: Exploring Black girl space

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

A window into racial and socioeconomic status disparities in preschool disciplinary action using developmental methodology

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Humanizing student–teacher relationships for black children: Implications for teachers’ social–emotional training

Urban Education


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

Race and social emotional learning for Black students in urban schooling contexts

Urban Education


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

“There are stereotypes for everything”: Multiracial adolescents navigating racial identity under white supremacy

Social Sciences


Leoandra Onnie Rogers
Leoandra Onnie Rogers

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Leoandra Onnie Rogers University(North Western University)