Kristen A Ban

Kristen A Ban

Loyola University Chicago

H-index: 15

North America-United States

About Kristen A Ban

Kristen A Ban, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Loyola University Chicago, specializes in the field of Health Services Research, Outcomes Research, Surgeon-Specific Reporting, Colorectal Surgery, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Safety & feasibility of targeted mesenteric approaches with Kono-S anastomosis and extended mesenteric excision in ileocolic resection and anastomosis in Crohn's disease

Ventral mesh rectopexy for recurrent rectal prolapse after Altemeier perineal proctosigmoidectomy: feasibility and outcomes

Bowel-preserving surgery for stricturing jejunoileal Crohn's disease, part 2: step-by-step Finney strictureplasty-a video vignette.

Rectal Prolapse: Rectopexy vs Perineal Proctosigmoidectomy

P420 Safety & feasibility of targeted mesenteric approaches to ileocolic resection and anastomosis in Crohn’s Disease

Defining and Measuring Quality in Colorectal Surgery

S127 Long-Term Outcomes After Radical Prostatectomy in the Setting of Prior Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis

S126 Pouch Urinary Fistulae After Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis is Associated With Decreased Pouch Survival

Kristen A Ban Information



Loyola University Medical Center



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Kristen A Ban Skills & Research Interests

Health Services Research

Outcomes Research

Surgeon-Specific Reporting

Colorectal Surgery

Enhanced Recovery after Surgery

Top articles of Kristen A Ban

Safety & feasibility of targeted mesenteric approaches with Kono-S anastomosis and extended mesenteric excision in ileocolic resection and anastomosis in Crohn's disease

The American Journal of Surgery


Ventral mesh rectopexy for recurrent rectal prolapse after Altemeier perineal proctosigmoidectomy: feasibility and outcomes

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery


Kristen A Ban
Kristen A Ban

H-Index: 14

Bowel-preserving surgery for stricturing jejunoileal Crohn's disease, part 2: step-by-step Finney strictureplasty-a video vignette.

Colorectal Disease: the Official Journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland


Rectal Prolapse: Rectopexy vs Perineal Proctosigmoidectomy


Kristen A Ban
Kristen A Ban

H-Index: 14

P420 Safety & feasibility of targeted mesenteric approaches to ileocolic resection and anastomosis in Crohn’s Disease

Journal of Crohn's and Colitis


Defining and Measuring Quality in Colorectal Surgery


S127 Long-Term Outcomes After Radical Prostatectomy in the Setting of Prior Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis

Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG


S126 Pouch Urinary Fistulae After Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis is Associated With Decreased Pouch Survival

Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG


S72 Bibliometric Analysis of the Top Inflammatory Bowel Disease Citations From the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Cleveland Clinic

Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG


Association between surgeon technical skills and patient outcomes

JAMA surgery


Association of obesity with postoperative outcomes after proctectomy

The American Journal of Surgery


See List of Professors in Kristen A Ban University(Loyola University Chicago)