Kerry S. Courneya

Kerry S. Courneya

University of Alberta

H-index: 147

North America-Canada

About Kerry S. Courneya

Kerry S. Courneya, With an exceptional h-index of 147 and a recent h-index of 71 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Alberta, specializes in the field of Exercise Oncology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Abstract PS02-04: Associations of sleep health with quality of life among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer: baseline results from the AMBER cohort study

Associations between health-related fitness and patient-reported symptoms in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

Abstract CT232: Intense exercise for survival among men with metastatic prostate cancer: 12-month feasibility results from the INTERVAL-GAP4 trial pilot site at Edith Cowan …

My Active Health Retreat: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences and Perspectives of Breast Cancer Survivors

A qualitative exploration of exercise motivation among colorectal cancer survivors: an application of the theory of planned behavior

Effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic biomarkers in prostate cancer patients undergoing active surveillance: A randomized controlled trial

Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors—An individual patient data meta‐analysis from the POLARIS study

Prospective cohort of pre-and post-diagnosis alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking on survival outcomes: an Alberta Endometrial Cancer Cohort Study

Kerry S. Courneya Information






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Kerry S. Courneya Skills & Research Interests

Exercise Oncology

Top articles of Kerry S. Courneya

Abstract PS02-04: Associations of sleep health with quality of life among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer: baseline results from the AMBER cohort study

Cancer Research


Associations between health-related fitness and patient-reported symptoms in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

Journal of Sport and Health Science


Abstract CT232: Intense exercise for survival among men with metastatic prostate cancer: 12-month feasibility results from the INTERVAL-GAP4 trial pilot site at Edith Cowan …

Cancer Research


My Active Health Retreat: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences and Perspectives of Breast Cancer Survivors

Integrative and Complementary Therapies


A qualitative exploration of exercise motivation among colorectal cancer survivors: an application of the theory of planned behavior

Supportive Care in Cancer


Effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic biomarkers in prostate cancer patients undergoing active surveillance: A randomized controlled trial


Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors—An individual patient data meta‐analysis from the POLARIS study

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports


Prospective cohort of pre-and post-diagnosis alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking on survival outcomes: an Alberta Endometrial Cancer Cohort Study

Cancer Causes & Control


Cardiopulmonary exercise testing of patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer as screening for vigorous exercise medicine prescription.


Depression, happiness, and satisfaction with life in women newly diagnosed with breast cancer: Associations with device‐measured physical activity and sedentary time



Effects of exercise on motivational outcomes in rectal cancer patients during and after neoadjuvant chemoradiation: a phase ii randomized controlled trial

Seminars in Oncology Nursing


Translating energy balance research from the bench to the clinic to the community: Parallel animal‐human studies in cancer


A qualitative study examining newly diagnosed breast cancer patients’ experiences of participating in the Alberta Moving Beyond Breast Cancer (AMBER) prospective cohort study

BMC cancer


Feasibility and safety of Heavy Lifting Strength Training in Head and Neck Cancer survivors post-surgical neck dissection (the LIFTING trial)

Supportive Care in Cancer


Associations between health-related fitness and quality of life in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

Breast cancer research and treatment


Breast cancer survivors’ exercise preferences change during an exercise intervention are associated with post-intervention physical activity

Journal of Cancer Survivorship


An 8-step approach for the systematic development of an evidence-based exercise program for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Frontiers in Oncology


Designing, analyzing, and interpreting observational studies of physical activity and cancer outcomes from a clinical oncology perspective

Frontiers in Oncology


The emerging role of exercise as a cancer treatment.

Journal of Sport and Health Science


Relationships between obesity, exercise preferences, and related social cognitive theory variables among breast cancer survivors



See List of Professors in Kerry S. Courneya University(University of Alberta)