Karen Hoare

Karen Hoare

Massey University

H-index: 17

Oceania-New Zealand

About Karen Hoare

Karen Hoare, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Massey University, specializes in the field of child health, grounded theory.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Respiratory support in the emergency department a systematic review and meta‐analysis

Hauora Māori–Māori health: a right to equal outcomes in primary care

Respiratory support of adults in the emergency department: A protocol for a prospective, observational, multicenter point prevalence study

The process of nurses' role negotiation in general practice: A grounded theory study

53 An Evaluation of the Reporting Quality of Emergency Department Systematic Reviews

Experiences of an insider researcher–interviewing your own colleagues

Navigating asthma—the immigrant child in a tug‐of‐war: A constructivist grounded theory

Nurses’ work in relation to patient health outcomes: an observational study comparing models of primary care

Karen Hoare Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Karen Hoare Skills & Research Interests

child health

grounded theory

Top articles of Karen Hoare

Respiratory support in the emergency department a systematic review and meta‐analysis


Alison Pirret
Alison Pirret

H-Index: 9

Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Hauora Māori–Māori health: a right to equal outcomes in primary care

International Journal for Equity in Health


Respiratory support of adults in the emergency department: A protocol for a prospective, observational, multicenter point prevalence study

Health Science Reports


Alison Pirret
Alison Pirret

H-Index: 9

Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

The process of nurses' role negotiation in general practice: A grounded theory study

Journal of Advanced Nursing


53 An Evaluation of the Reporting Quality of Emergency Department Systematic Reviews

Annals of Emergency Medicine


Experiences of an insider researcher–interviewing your own colleagues


Merryn Gott
Merryn Gott

H-Index: 43

Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Navigating asthma—the immigrant child in a tug‐of‐war: A constructivist grounded theory

Journal of Clinical Nursing


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Jennifer Roberts
Jennifer Roberts

H-Index: 3

Nurses’ work in relation to patient health outcomes: an observational study comparing models of primary care


Patient health outcomes associated with models of general practice in Aotearoa New Zealand: a national cross-sectional study


Giving voice to children in research: The power of child‐centered constructivist grounded theory methodology

Research in Nursing & Health


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Jennifer Roberts
Jennifer Roberts

H-Index: 3

Positioning the researcher for studying Indian immigrant children's asthma in New Zealand: A reflective account

Qualitative Research Journal


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Jennifer Roberts
Jennifer Roberts

H-Index: 3

South Asian immigrants’ and their family carers’ beliefs, practices and experiences of childhood long‐term conditions: An integrative review


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Jennifer Roberts
Jennifer Roberts

H-Index: 3

Panic or peace–prioritising infant welfare when medicating feverish infants: a grounded theory study of adherence in a paediatric clinical trial

BMC pediatrics


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Grounded theory method and symbolic interactionism: freedom of conceptualization and the importance of context in research

Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research


Sarah Hewitt
Sarah Hewitt

H-Index: 7

Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Health experiences of child migrants in the Western Pacific region


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

An audit of nurses using standing order directives to administer medications to children at risk of contracting rheumatic fever

The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online)


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

An integrated review of the barriers and facilitators for accessing and engaging with mental health in a rural setting


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Claire Minton
Claire Minton

H-Index: 5

“We are all a family” Staff Experiences of Working in Children's Blood and Cancer Centers in New Zealand—A Constructivist Grounded Theory

Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing


Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

Merryn Gott
Merryn Gott

H-Index: 43

The naturalization of nonsmoking. A grounded theory study of smoking cessation

Addiction Research & Theory


Rodrigo Ramalho
Rodrigo Ramalho

H-Index: 8

Karen Hoare
Karen Hoare

H-Index: 14

How do nurses better predict outcomes for adult COVID-19 patients receiving nasal high flow therapy in the emergency care setting?

International Emergency Nursing


See List of Professors in Karen Hoare University(Massey University)

