Juliet Biggs

Juliet Biggs

University of Bristol

H-index: 50

Europe-United Kingdom

About Juliet Biggs

Juliet Biggs, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 39 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Bristol,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Towards a geodetic earthquake catalogue for Central America: detecting coseismic deformation in Costa Rica using Sentinel-1 InSAR

The relationship between large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions: A global statistical study

The role of pre-eruptive gas segregation on co-eruptive deformation and SO2 emissions

Performance Analysis of the Harmony Mission for Land Applications: Results from the Phase A Study

Magnetotelluric investigations at andean volcanoes: partial melt or saline magmatic fluids?

Weather model based atmospheric corrections of Sentinel-1 InSAR deformation data at Turkish volcanoes

Fault-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in regions with low strain rates and a thick seismogenic layer: a case study from Malawi

High‐resolution InSAR reveals localised pre‐eruptive deformation inside the crater of Agung volcano, Indonesia.

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Top articles of Juliet Biggs

Towards a geodetic earthquake catalogue for Central America: detecting coseismic deformation in Costa Rica using Sentinel-1 InSAR

Geophysical Journal International


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

The relationship between large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions: A global statistical study



Alison Rust
Alison Rust

H-Index: 28

Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

The role of pre-eruptive gas segregation on co-eruptive deformation and SO2 emissions

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Performance Analysis of the Harmony Mission for Land Applications: Results from the Phase A Study

Fringe 2023


Magnetotelluric investigations at andean volcanoes: partial melt or saline magmatic fluids?

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Weather model based atmospheric corrections of Sentinel-1 InSAR deformation data at Turkish volcanoes

Geophysical Journal International


Fabien Albino
Fabien Albino

H-Index: 15

Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Fault-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in regions with low strain rates and a thick seismogenic layer: a case study from Malawi

Geophysical Journal International


High‐resolution InSAR reveals localised pre‐eruptive deformation inside the crater of Agung volcano, Indonesia.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

James Wookey
James Wookey

H-Index: 24

Gas Emissions and Subsurface Architecture of Fault‐Controlled Geothermal Systems: A Case Study of the North Abaya Geothermal Area

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Relative afterslip moment does not correlate with aftershock productivity: Implications for the relationship between afterslip and aftershocks

Geophysical Research Letters


Strategies for improving the communication of satellite-derived InSAR ground displacements

Geoscience Communication Discussions


Comparing intrarift and border fault structure in the Malawi Rift: Implications for normal fault growth

Journal of Structural Geology


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Knickpoint morphotectonics of the Middle Shire River basin: Implications for the evolution of rift interaction zones

Basin Research


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

The Luangwa Rift Active Fault Database and fault reactivation along the southwestern branch of the East African Rift

Solid Earth


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Kawawa Banda
Kawawa Banda

H-Index: 6

Routine processing and automatic detection of volcanic ground deformation using Sentinel-1 InSAR data: insights from African volcanoes

Remote Sensing


Fabien Albino
Fabien Albino

H-Index: 15

Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Geologic and geodetic constraints on the magnitude and frequency of earthquakes along Malawi's active faults: the Malawi Seismogenic Source Model (MSSM)

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

Large-scale demonstration of machine learning for the detection of volcanic deformation in Sentinel-1 satellite imagery

Bulletin of Volcanology


Contrasting volcanic deformation in arc and ocean island settings due to exsolution of magmatic water

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Ground and satellite-based methods of measuring deformation at a UK landslide observatory: Comparison and integration

Remote Sensing


The Malawi active fault database: An onshore‐offshore database for regional assessment of seismic hazard and tectonic evolution

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Juliet Biggs
Juliet Biggs

H-Index: 35

See List of Professors in Juliet Biggs University(University of Bristol)