Juan F Medrano

Juan F Medrano

University of California, Davis

H-index: 59

North America-United States

About Juan F Medrano

Juan F Medrano, With an exceptional h-index of 59 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Davis, specializes in the field of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Functional Genomics, Genetics of Milk Composition, Coffee Genetics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Novel lncRNA regulatory elements in milk somatic cells of Holstein dairy cows associated with mastitis

The Anti-Müllerian Hormone as Endocrine and Molecular Marker Associated with Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows Exposed to Heat Stress

Polymorphisms within the IGF1 and IGF1R genes associated with superovulation-related traits in Holstein dairy cows managed in a semiarid environment

Genetic markers associated with milk production and thermotolerance in Holstein dairy cows managed in a heat-stressed environment

Functional SNPs and INDELs within regulatory elements associated with mastitis in Holstein cow using-OMICs technologies

Impact of the bovine reference genome (ARS-UCD1. 2) on functional annotation at genome, transcriptome and methylome level

27 Evaluating the Functional Differences at Genome, Transcriptome and Methylome Level between ARS-UCD1. 2 and UMD 3.1 Bovine Reference Genomes

Single-step genome editing of small ruminant embryos by electroporation

Juan F Medrano Information



Professor of Animal Genetics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Juan F Medrano Skills & Research Interests

Animal Breeding and Genetics

Functional Genomics

Genetics of Milk Composition

Coffee Genetics

Top articles of Juan F Medrano

Novel lncRNA regulatory elements in milk somatic cells of Holstein dairy cows associated with mastitis

Communications Biology


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Angela Cánovas
Angela Cánovas

H-Index: 19

The Anti-Müllerian Hormone as Endocrine and Molecular Marker Associated with Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows Exposed to Heat Stress



Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Polymorphisms within the IGF1 and IGF1R genes associated with superovulation-related traits in Holstein dairy cows managed in a semiarid environment

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Genetic markers associated with milk production and thermotolerance in Holstein dairy cows managed in a heat-stressed environment



Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Functional SNPs and INDELs within regulatory elements associated with mastitis in Holstein cow using-OMICs technologies


Impact of the bovine reference genome (ARS-UCD1. 2) on functional annotation at genome, transcriptome and methylome level


27 Evaluating the Functional Differences at Genome, Transcriptome and Methylome Level between ARS-UCD1. 2 and UMD 3.1 Bovine Reference Genomes

Journal of Animal Science


Single-step genome editing of small ruminant embryos by electroporation

International journal of molecular sciences


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Effect of calving season on the parameters and components of the lactation curve in Holstein dairy cows managed in a semi-desert climate

Tropical Animal Health and Production


Identification of novel alternative splicing associated with mastitis disease in Holstein dairy cows using large gap read mapping

BMC genomics


Molecular marker prediction for days open and pregnancy rate in Holstein cows managed in a warm climate

Livestock Science


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

A SNP within the PMCH gene as a molecular marker associated with fertility traits in Angus and Brangus beef heifers raised under a desert environment

Tropical Animal Health and Production


Large-scale multiplexing permits full-length transcriptome annotation of 32 bovine tissues from a single nanopore flow cell

Frontiers in Genetics


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Functional annotations of three domestic animal genomes provide vital resources for comparative and agricultural research

Nature communications


Marcadores genéticos asociados a un indicador de tolerancia al estrés por calor en vacas Holstein lactantes del sur de Sonora México

Revista Latinoamericana de Recursos Naturales


Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

Identification of Structural Variants Associated with Mastitis in Holstein Dairy Cows Using Whole Genome Sequencing and RNA-sequencing.

Journal of Animal Science


Vulnerability of coffee (Coffea spp.) genetic resources in the United States


Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

H-Index: 14

Juan F Medrano
Juan F Medrano

H-Index: 32

A comparative analysis of chromatin accessibility in cattle, pig, and mouse tissues

BMC genomics


Symposium review: advances in sequencing technology herald a new frontier in cattle genomics and genome-enabled selection


De novo assembly of the cattle reference genome with single-molecule sequencing



See List of Professors in Juan F Medrano University(University of California, Davis)