John Stephenson

About John Stephenson

John Stephenson, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Huddersfield,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effects of Vestibular Rehabilitation on balance in stroke: a Systematic review and Meta-analysis

The impact of social determinants on health outcomes in a region in the North of England: a structural equation modelling analysis

The Viability and Acceptability of a Virtual Wound Care Command Centre in Australia.

Patient decision aids for aortic stenosis and chronic coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Internationally recruited nurses and their initial integration into the healthcare workforce: A mixed methods study

Embedding spirituality and compassion into clinical education: A pilot study of Spotlight sessions in Advanced Clinical Practice

Fluoride exposure in community prevention programmes for oral health using nail clippings and spot urine samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The long-term experiences and career progression of International nurses working in the Health Sector in England

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Top articles of John Stephenson

The effects of Vestibular Rehabilitation on balance in stroke: a Systematic review and Meta-analysis


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Alex Benham
Alex Benham

H-Index: 5

The impact of social determinants on health outcomes in a region in the North of England: a structural equation modelling analysis

Public Health


Dillon Newton
Dillon Newton

H-Index: 0

John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

The Viability and Acceptability of a Virtual Wound Care Command Centre in Australia.

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics


Patient decision aids for aortic stenosis and chronic coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Internationally recruited nurses and their initial integration into the healthcare workforce: A mixed methods study

International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances


Embedding spirituality and compassion into clinical education: A pilot study of Spotlight sessions in Advanced Clinical Practice

Journal for the Study of Spirituality


Melanie Rogers
Melanie Rogers

H-Index: 8

John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Fluoride exposure in community prevention programmes for oral health using nail clippings and spot urine samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis


The long-term experiences and career progression of International nurses working in the Health Sector in England

Clinical Nursing Studies


Comparing self-affirmation manipulations to reduce alcohol consumption in university students

Journal of American College Health


Best rating scale design theory: implications for developing questionnaires in nursing and Health Sciences

J Mod Nurs Pract Res


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Best practices in reporting analyses of questionnaires as objective rating scales of variable measures

Nurse researcher


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Is this a good questionnaire? Dimensionality and category functioning of questionnaires used in nursing research

Nurse researcher


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Exploring Mental Illness Stigmatisation Among Malaysian Adults: A Review of the Literature


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Karen Ousey
Karen Ousey

H-Index: 22

Internationally educated nurses experience of the first two years working and living in England: a mixed methods study

Health and Wellbeing Academy University of Huddersfield


Can the F-Scan in-shoe pressure system be combined with the GAITRite® temporal and spatial parameter-recording walkway as a cost-effective alternative in clinical gait analysis …

Journal of Foot and Ankle Research


Sarah Reel
Sarah Reel

H-Index: 5

John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

A questionnaire-based study of attitudes to spirituality in people using mental health services and their perceptions of the relevance of the concept of spiritually competent …

Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health


Reducing delays to surgery and achieving best practice tariff for hip fracture patients on direct oral anticoagulants: A protocol for expediting surgery without increasing peri …



John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Predicting oncotype DX recurrence scores using locally available immunohistochemical markers: experience in a district general hospital

Journal of Clinical Pathology


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

The effect of nursing education on dressing usage and wear time in the home care setting.

Wounds UK


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Karen Ousey
Karen Ousey

H-Index: 22

The Identification of Human Translational Biomarkers of Neuropathic Pain and Cross-Species Validation Using an Animal Model

Molecular Neurobiology


John Stephenson
John Stephenson

H-Index: 18

Barira Islam
Barira Islam

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in John Stephenson University(University of Huddersfield)