Emma Harris

Emma Harris

University of Huddersfield

H-index: 12

Europe-United Kingdom

About Emma Harris

Emma Harris, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Huddersfield, specializes in the field of Shared decision-making, Patient education and communication, physical activity and exercise in health and disease.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Patient decision aids for aortic stenosis and chronic coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Feasibility and acceptability of using a patient reported outcome measure (OxFAB) to help patients with heart failure to recognise and communicate worsening symptoms to …

Efficacy of interval exercise training to improve vascular health in sedentary postmenopausal females

Development and user-testing of a digital patient decision aid to facilitate shared decision-making for people with stable angina

Patient education and Communication

Self-management support activities in primary care: a qualitative study to compare provision across common health problems

Design to improve patients' sleep experience in NHS hospital wards: involving students in solving'real world'problems

Night-time noise levels and patients’ sleep experiences in a medical assessment unit in Northern England

Emma Harris Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Emma Harris Skills & Research Interests

Shared decision-making

Patient education and communication

physical activity and exercise in health and disease

Top articles of Emma Harris

Patient decision aids for aortic stenosis and chronic coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Feasibility and acceptability of using a patient reported outcome measure (OxFAB) to help patients with heart failure to recognise and communicate worsening symptoms to …

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Efficacy of interval exercise training to improve vascular health in sedentary postmenopausal females

Physiological Reports


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Development and user-testing of a digital patient decision aid to facilitate shared decision-making for people with stable angina

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Richard Thomson
Richard Thomson

H-Index: 46

Patient education and Communication


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Lis Neubeck
Lis Neubeck

H-Index: 29

Self-management support activities in primary care: a qualitative study to compare provision across common health problems

Patient Education and Counseling


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Mike Lucock
Mike Lucock

H-Index: 23

Design to improve patients' sleep experience in NHS hospital wards: involving students in solving'real world'problems

Design for Health


Emilene Zitkus
Emilene Zitkus

H-Index: 4

Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

Night-time noise levels and patients’ sleep experiences in a medical assessment unit in Northern England

The Open Nursing Journal


Patients’ experiences of cardiovascular health education and risk communication: a qualitative synthesis


Emma Harris
Emma Harris

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Emma Harris University(University of Huddersfield)

