Johan Bennett

About Johan Bennett

Johan Bennett, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Immediate or staged complete revascularisation in patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome by number of diseased vessels: a substudy of the BIOVASC randomised trial.

Temporal changes in coronary plaque as assessed by an artificial intelligence–based optical coherence tomography: from the first-in-human trial on DREAMS 3G scaffold

Timing of complete multivessel revascularization in patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

Angiography-derived physiological assessment after percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusions

Percutaneous coronary intervention timing and coronary physiology in transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients

An interventional sheep model of severe aortic valve stenosis hemodynamics for the evaluation of alterations in coronary physiology and microvascular function

Complete Revascularization Strategies in Women and Men With Acute Coronary Syndrome and Multivessel Disease

ShOckwave ballooN or Atherectomy with Rotablation in calcified coronary artery lesions: Design and rationale of the SONAR trial

Johan Bennett Information



University Hospitals Leuven



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Top articles of Johan Bennett

Immediate or staged complete revascularisation in patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome by number of diseased vessels: a substudy of the BIOVASC randomised trial.

Eurointervention: Journal of Europcr in Collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology


Temporal changes in coronary plaque as assessed by an artificial intelligence–based optical coherence tomography: from the first-in-human trial on DREAMS 3G scaffold

European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Michael Joner
Michael Joner

H-Index: 26

Timing of complete multivessel revascularization in patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome



Angiography-derived physiological assessment after percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusions

The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging


Benjamin Scott
Benjamin Scott

H-Index: 10

Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Percutaneous coronary intervention timing and coronary physiology in transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients

Netherlands Heart Journal


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

An interventional sheep model of severe aortic valve stenosis hemodynamics for the evaluation of alterations in coronary physiology and microvascular function

Journal of Applied Physiology


Complete Revascularization Strategies in Women and Men With Acute Coronary Syndrome and Multivessel Disease

The American Journal of Cardiology


ShOckwave ballooN or Atherectomy with Rotablation in calcified coronary artery lesions: Design and rationale of the SONAR trial

Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Maarten Vanhaverbeke
Maarten Vanhaverbeke

H-Index: 11

100.53 Machine Learning-Based Algorithm to Predict Procedural Success in a Large European Cohort of Hybrid Chronic Total Occlusion-Percutaneous Coronary Interventions.

Cardiovascular Interventions


Performance of the minimalistic hybrid approach algorithm versus other conventional algorithms in the percutaneous treatment of chronic total occlusions

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Benjamin Scott
Benjamin Scott

H-Index: 10

Bleeding and thrombotic risk of different antiplatelet regimens posttranscatheter edge‐to‐edge mitral valve repair in patients with an indication for oral anticoagulation …

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Economical aspects of coronary angiography for diagnostic purposes: a Belgian perspective

Acta cardiologica


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

First in human study BIOMAG-I: 12 months results of the sirolimus eluting resorbable coronary magnesium scaffold system (DREAMS 3G) in the treatment of subjects with de novo …

European Heart Journal


Coronary physiology in severe aortic stenosis: solely a matter of increased coronary resting flow?



Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

Letter by Minten et al Regarding Article,“Management of Myocardial Revascularization in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve …

Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

In vivo validation of intra-coronary absolute flow measurements and comparison of reliability between different microvascular indices and the microvascular resistance reserve

European Heart Journal


The COBRA II (COmplex Bifurcation lesions: RAndomized comparison of a fully bioresorbable modified-T stenting strategy versus bifurcation reconstruction with a dedicated self …

Indian Heart Journal


Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

CRT-600.03 Optical Coherence Tomography Characteristics of the Novel Resorbable Magnesium Scaffold at 6 Months: An Intravascular Imaging Analysis of the First-in-Human Trial on …

Cardiovascular Interventions


First randomised controlled trial comparing the sirolimus-eluting bioadaptor with the zotarolimus-eluting drug-eluting stent in patients with de novo coronary artery lesions …



Johan Bennett
Johan Bennett

H-Index: 14

CRT-100.8 Are There Coronary Plaque Characteristics Associated With Late Lumen Loss? Artificial Intelligence-Based Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Study From the First-in …

Cardiovascular Interventions


See List of Professors in Johan Bennett University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)