Joao Trindade Marques

About Joao Trindade Marques

Joao Trindade Marques, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, specializes in the field of Antiviral immunity, RNA Interference, Host-Pathogen interactions, Mosquito-borne viruses.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The impact of symbiotic insect specific viruses on mosquito vector competence for arboviruses

Neofunctionalization driven by positive selection led to the retention of the loqs2 gene encoding an Aedes specific dsRNA binding protein

Genomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of Leishmania from the New and Old World

Protocol for the analysis of double-stranded RNAs in virus-infected insect cells using anti-dsRNA antibodies

Mosquito vector competence for dengue is modulated by insect-specific viruses

Gut microbiota from patients with COVID-19 cause alterations in mice that resemble post-COVID symptoms

The virome of the invasive Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus in Europe

AG129 mice as a comprehensive model for the experimental assessment of mosquito vector competence for arboviruses

Joao Trindade Marques Information



Department of Biochemistry and Immunology -



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Joao Trindade Marques Skills & Research Interests

Antiviral immunity

RNA Interference

Host-Pathogen interactions

Mosquito-borne viruses

Top articles of Joao Trindade Marques




Publication Date

The impact of symbiotic insect specific viruses on mosquito vector competence for arboviruses

Isaque JS de Faria

João PP de Almeida

João Trindade Marques


Neofunctionalization driven by positive selection led to the retention of the loqs2 gene encoding an Aedes specific dsRNA binding protein

BMC biology

Carlos F Estevez-Castro

Murillo F Rodrigues

Antinéa Babarit

Flávia V Ferreira

Elisa G de Andrade



Genomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of Leishmania from the New and Old World

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Frédéric Labbé

Maha Abdeladhim

Jenica Abrudan

Alejandra Saori Araki

Ricardo N Araujo



Protocol for the analysis of double-stranded RNAs in virus-infected insect cells using anti-dsRNA antibodies

STAR protocols

Isaque JS de Faria

Jean-Luc Imler

João T Marques


Mosquito vector competence for dengue is modulated by insect-specific viruses

Nature Microbiology

Roenick P Olmo

Yaovi MH Todjro

Eric RGR Aguiar

João Paulo P de Almeida

Flávia V Ferreira



Gut microbiota from patients with COVID-19 cause alterations in mice that resemble post-COVID symptoms

Gut Microbes

Viviani Mendes de Almeida

Daiane F Engel

Mayra F Ricci

Clênio Silva Cruz

Ícaro Santos Lopes



The virome of the invasive Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus in Europe

Virus Evolution

Sandra R Abbo

João PP de Almeida

Roenick P Olmo

Carlijn Balvers

Jet S Griep



AG129 mice as a comprehensive model for the experimental assessment of mosquito vector competence for arboviruses


Lívia VR Baldon

Silvana F de Mendonça

Flávia V Ferreira

Fernanda O Rezende

Siad CG Amadou



Invading viral DNA triggers dsRNA synthesis by RNA polymerase II to activate antiviral RNA interference in Drosophila

Cell reports

Isaque JS de Faria

Eric RGR Aguiar

Roenick P Olmo

Juliana Alves da Silva

Laurent Daeffler



The virome of vector mosquitoes

João PP de Almeida

Eric RGR Aguiar

Juliana N Armache

Roenick P Olmo

João T Marques


Distinct roles of hemocytes at different stages of infection by dengue and zika viruses in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes

Frontiers in Immunology

Thiago HJF Leite

Álvaro GA Ferreira

Jean-Luc Imler

João T Marques


Evaluation of Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes Competence to Oropouche virus Infection


Silvana F de Mendonça

Marcele N Rocha

Flávia V Ferreira

Thiago HJ F Leite

Siad CG Amadou



High-throughput sequencing of BACHD mice reveals upregulation of neuroprotective miRNAs at the pre-symptomatic stage of Huntington’s disease

ASN neuro

Isabella G Olmo

Roenick P Olmo

André NA Gonçalves

Rita GW Pires

Joao T Marques



In vitro studies provide insight into effects of Dicer-2 helicase mutations in Drosophila melanogaster


Helen M Donelick

Loïc Talide

Matthieu Bellet

P Joseph Aruscavage

Emilie Lauret



2′3′-cGAMP triggers a STING- and NF-κB–dependent broad antiviral response in Drosophila

Science signaling

Hua Cai

Andreas Holleufer

Bine Simonsen

Juliette Schneider

Aurélie Lemoine



The RNAi Pathway Is Important to Control Mayaro Virus Infection in Aedes aegypti but not for Wolbachia-Mediated Protection


Pedro HF Sucupira

Álvaro GA Ferreira

Thiago HJF Leite

Silvana F de Mendonça

Flávia V Ferreira



Using the intrinsic growth rate of the mosquito population improves spatio-temporal dengue risk estimation

Acta tropica

Luigi Sedda

Benjamín M Taylor

Alvaro E Eiras

Joao Trindade Marques

Rod J Dillon


A single unidirectional piRNA cluster similar to the flamenco locus is the major source of EVE-derived transcription and small RNAs in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes


Eric Roberto Guimarães Rocha Aguiar

João Paulo Pereira de Almeida

Lucio Rezende Queiroz

Liliane Santana Oliveira

Roenick Proveti Olmo



Characterization of a Novel Mitovirus of the Sand Fly Lutzomyia longipalpis Using Genomic and Virus–Host Interaction Signatures


Paula Fonseca

Flavia Ferreira

Felipe da Silva

Liliane Santana Oliveira

João Trindade Marques



See List of Professors in Joao Trindade Marques University(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)