João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes

About João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes

João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, specializes in the field of Sanidade Animal.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Epidemiological and clinicopathological findings of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus infections in domestic cats from the Brazilian semiarid region

Effects of structured vs non-structured home-based prehabilitation during neoadjuvant chemotherapy with FLOT in surgical gastric cancer patients: preliminary results of a …

First record of Perkinsus marinus infecting Crassostrea sp. in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, using real-time PCR

Pretreatment physical fitness and tolerance to preoperative FLOT therapy in patients with locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach

Análise da influência do tempo de repouso na condutividade elétrica da pasta saturada de três solos

Molecular changes induced by physical exercise against chemotherapy-induced skeletal muscle loss: systematic review

Does physical exercise prevent adipose tissue remodelling during chemotherapy in cancer patients? A systematic review of clinical and pre-clinical studies

Coinfection with Leishmania infantum and Toxoplasma gondii in Domestic Cats from a Region with a High Prevalence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes Information



Médico Veterinário



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hIndex(since 2020)




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João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes Skills & Research Interests

Sanidade Animal

Top articles of João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes

Epidemiological and clinicopathological findings of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus infections in domestic cats from the Brazilian semiarid region

Preventive Veterinary Medicine


João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

Effects of structured vs non-structured home-based prehabilitation during neoadjuvant chemotherapy with FLOT in surgical gastric cancer patients: preliminary results of a …

European Journal of Surgical Oncology


First record of Perkinsus marinus infecting Crassostrea sp. in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, using real-time PCR

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology


Rafael Dos Santos Rocha
Rafael Dos Santos Rocha

H-Index: 4

Rodrigo Maggioni
Rodrigo Maggioni

H-Index: 12

João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

Pretreatment physical fitness and tolerance to preoperative FLOT therapy in patients with locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach

European Journal of Surgical Oncology


Análise da influência do tempo de repouso na condutividade elétrica da pasta saturada de três solos

Revista de Ciências Agrárias


Molecular changes induced by physical exercise against chemotherapy-induced skeletal muscle loss: systematic review


Does physical exercise prevent adipose tissue remodelling during chemotherapy in cancer patients? A systematic review of clinical and pre-clinical studies


Coinfection with Leishmania infantum and Toxoplasma gondii in Domestic Cats from a Region with a High Prevalence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus



Felipe Fornazari
Felipe Fornazari

H-Index: 10

João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

Maria Conceição Gonçalves (, Åsgeir R. Almås (2), Anais Chanson (3), Iain Gould (3), Matthew Goddard (3)(Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária


Abdominal aortic branches of red‐rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina Linnaeus, 1758)

Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia


Can pretreatment physical fitness increase tolerance to preoperative FLOT therapy in patients with locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach?

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN


Molecular detection of Leptospira spp. in small wild rodents from rural areas of São Paulo State, Brazil

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical


Cervical Vertebral Stenotic Myelopathy in a Nelore Calf

Veterinary Sciences


Collateral aortic branches in the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu Linnaeus, 1758).


A Study on the Best Way to Compress Natural Language Processing Models


Echocardiographic diagnosis of interventricular septum defect with Eisenmenger syndrome in an adult dog-case report.

Acta Veterinaria Brasilica


João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

A home-based prehabilitation program, delivered through an internet-based platform, in patients with locally advanced gastroesophageal junction and stomach adenocarcinoma …

Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia


Diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de defeito do septo interventricular com agravo de síndrome de Eisenmenger em cão adulto relato de caso

Acta Veterinaria Brasilica


João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

Pulsarcast: Scalable, reliable pub-sub over P2P nets


Zoonotic risk of Hansen's disease from community contact with wild armadillos: A systematic review and meta‐analysis


João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes
João Marcelo Azevedo De Paula Antunes

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes University(Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido)

