Jônatas Abrahão

About Jônatas Abrahão

Jônatas Abrahão, With an exceptional h-index of 39 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, specializes in the field of Virologia, Evolução, Microbiologia, Vírus gigantes.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Aminopyrimidine Derivatives as Multiflavivirus Antiviral Compounds Identified from a Consensus Virtual Screening Approach

Design, development, and validation of multi-epitope proteins for serological diagnosis of Zika virus infections and discrimination from dengue virus seropositivity

The GC% landscape of the Nucleocytoviricota

The consequences of viral infection on protists

Could giant viruses be considered as a biotechnological tool for preventing and controlling Acanthamoeba infections?

Bovine serum albumin nanoparticles containing Poly (I: C) can enhance the neutralizing antibody response induced by envelope protein of Orthoflavivirus zikaense

Virologs, viral mimicry, and virocell metabolism: the expanding scale of cellular functions encoded in the complex genomes of giant viruses

Bibliographie générale

Jônatas Abrahão Information



Professor de Microbiologia



Citations(since 2020)


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Jônatas Abrahão Skills & Research Interests




Vírus gigantes

Top articles of Jônatas Abrahão




Publication Date

Aminopyrimidine Derivatives as Multiflavivirus Antiviral Compounds Identified from a Consensus Virtual Screening Approach

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Thales Kronenberger

Rafael Eduardo Oliveira Rocha

Amanda Del Rio Abreu Rosa

Thaysa Lara Gonçalves Mello



Design, development, and validation of multi-epitope proteins for serological diagnosis of Zika virus infections and discrimination from dengue virus seropositivity

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Samille Henriques Pereira

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Thaís de Fátima Silva Moraes

Nathalia Zini

Jônatas Santos Abrahão



The GC% landscape of the Nucleocytoviricota

Amanda Stéphanie Arantes Witt

João Victor Rodrigues Pessoa Carvalho

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Nidia Esther Colquehuanca Arias

Rodrigo Araújo Lima Rodrigues



The consequences of viral infection on protists

Victoria Fulgencio Queiroz

Juliana Miranda Tatara

Bruna Barbosa Botelho

Rodrigo Araújo Lima Rodrigues

Gabriel Magno de Freitas Almeida



Could giant viruses be considered as a biotechnological tool for preventing and controlling Acanthamoeba infections?

Journal of Applied Microbiology

Ana Paula Correia Crispim

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Adriana Oliveira Costa

Jônatas Santos Abrahão


Bovine serum albumin nanoparticles containing Poly (I: C) can enhance the neutralizing antibody response induced by envelope protein of Orthoflavivirus zikaense

International Immunopharmacology

Raíne Piva-Amaral

Gabriel Augusto Pires de Souza

João Carlos Vilela Vieira Júnior

Renato Fróes Goulart de Castro

William Permagnani Gozzi



Virologs, viral mimicry, and virocell metabolism: the expanding scale of cellular functions encoded in the complex genomes of giant viruses

Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Maria Paula Erazo Garcia

Roxanna Farzad

Anh D Ha

Abdeali Jivaji



Bibliographie générale

Année psychologique

RE Alberti

ML Emmons

M Auvray

A Gallace

HZ Tan



Analysis of the genomic features and evolutionary history of pithovirus-like isolates reveals two major divergent groups of viruses

Journal of Virology

Victória F Queiroz

João Victor RP Carvalho

Fernanda G de Souza

Maurício T Lima

Juliane D Santos



Gene duplication as a major force driving the genome expansion in some giant viruses

Journal of Virology

Talita B Machado

Agnello CR Picorelli

Bruna L de Azevedo

Isabella LM de Aquino

Victória F Queiroz



Human variation in the protein receptor ACE2 affects its binding affinity to SARS-CoV-2 in a variant-dependent manner

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics

Thiago M Santos

Ayrton BP Lisboa

Wenderson Rodrigues

Helena Gomes

Jônatas Abrahão



Surface fibrils on the particles of nucleocytoviruses: A review

Isabella Luiza Martins de Aquino

Matheus Gomes Barcelos

Talita Bastos Machado

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Jônatas Santos Abrahão


Synthetic Curcumin Analogues Present Antiflavivirus Activity In Vitro with Potential Multiflavivirus Activity from a Thiazolylhydrazone Moiety

Future Pharmacology

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Thales Kronenberger

Renata Barbosa de Oliveira

Erna Geessien Kroon

Jônatas Santos Abrahão



Taxonomic update for giant viruses in the order Imitervirales (phylum Nucleocytoviricota)

Archives of virology

Frank O Aylward

Jonatas S Abrahão

Corina PD Brussaard

Matthias G Fischer

Mohammad Moniruzzaman



Diversity of surface fibril patterns in mimivirus isolates

Journal of Virology

Isabella Luiza Martins de Aquino

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Talita Bastos Machado

Bruna Luiza Azevedo

Denilson Eduardo Silva Cunha



Evaluating Known Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease Inhibitor Scaffolds via In Silico Screening and Biochemical Assays


Lucianna H Santos

Rafael EO Rocha

Diego L Dias

Beatriz MRM Ribeiro

Mateus Sá M Serafim



Ultrastructural analysis of monkeypox virus replication in Vero cells

Journal of Medical Virology

Amanda Stéphanie Arantes Witt

Giliane de Souza Trindade

Fernanda Gil de Souza

Mateus Sá Magalhães Serafim

Alana Vitor Barbosa da Costa



A brief history of giant viruses’ studies in Brazilian biomes

Paulo Victor M Boratto

Mateus Sá M Serafim

Amanda Stéphanie A Witt

Ana Paula C Crispim

Bruna Luiza de Azevedo



Incomplete tricarboxylic acid cycle and proton gradient in Pandoravirus massiliensis: is it still a virus?

The ISME journal

Sarah Aherfi

Djamal Brahim Belhaouari

Lucile Pinault

Jean-Pierre Baudoin

Philippe Decloquement



Nanotechnology meets immunology towards a rapid diagnosis solution: the COVID-19 outbreak challenge

RSC advances

BSAS Santos

JLR Cunha

IC Carvalho

JMC Costa

BC Longo



See List of Professors in Jônatas Abrahão University(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)