Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

About Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite, With an exceptional h-index of 83 and a recent h-index of 47 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Johns Hopkins University, specializes in the field of pain, behavioral medicine.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Sequenced Strategy for Improving Outcomes in People with Knee Osteoarthritis Pain (SKOAP): Study Protocol for an Effectiveness Trial

Improved Pain After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Associated changes In Insomnia And IL-6 Reactivity

Elevated pain sensitivity is associated with reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in females with comorbid temporomandibular disorder and insomnia

Sleep Disruption Moderates the Daily Dynamics of Affect and Pain in Sickle Cell Disease

Change in pain during physical activity following total knee arthroplasty: Associations with improved physical function and decreased situational pain catastrophizing

Brief mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy is associated with faster recovery in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a pilot clinical trial

Determinants Of Stable Pain And Long Acting Opioid Use For Chronic Non-Cancer Related Pain Treatment Over 12 Months

Sex Differences In Pain, Sensory Function And Psychosocial Factors Among Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Jennifer A Haythornthwaite Skills & Research Interests


behavioral medicine

Top articles of Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

A Sequenced Strategy for Improving Outcomes in People with Knee Osteoarthritis Pain (SKOAP): Study Protocol for an Effectiveness Trial

The Journal of Pain


Improved Pain After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Associated changes In Insomnia And IL-6 Reactivity

The Journal of Pain


Chung Jung Mun
Chung Jung Mun

H-Index: 10

Samantha M Meints
Samantha M Meints

H-Index: 11

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Elevated pain sensitivity is associated with reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in females with comorbid temporomandibular disorder and insomnia

Pain Medicine


Matthew J Reid
Matthew J Reid

H-Index: 2

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Sleep Disruption Moderates the Daily Dynamics of Affect and Pain in Sickle Cell Disease

The Journal of Pain


Change in pain during physical activity following total knee arthroplasty: Associations with improved physical function and decreased situational pain catastrophizing

Innovation in Aging


Brief mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy is associated with faster recovery in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a pilot clinical trial

Pain Medicine


Marise Cornelius
Marise Cornelius

H-Index: 9

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Samantha M Meints
Samantha M Meints

H-Index: 11

Determinants Of Stable Pain And Long Acting Opioid Use For Chronic Non-Cancer Related Pain Treatment Over 12 Months

The Journal of Pain


Sex Differences In Pain, Sensory Function And Psychosocial Factors Among Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

The Journal of Pain


Depressive and Insomnia Symptoms Sequentially Mediate the Association Between Racism-Based Discrimination in Healthcare Settings and Clinical Pain Among Adults With Sickle Cell …

The Journal of Pain


Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Meditation Practice, Mindfulness, and Pain-Related Outcomes in Mindfulness-Based Treatment for Episodic Migraine



Samuel R Krimmel
Samuel R Krimmel

H-Index: 9

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Matthew Reid
Matthew Reid

H-Index: 8

Nocturnal delta power is associated with lower next-day pain but not pain catastrophizing: results from a cohort of female participants with temporomandibular joint pain

The Journal of Pain


Intensive Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Frequency and Burden of Migraine: An Unblinded Single-Arm Trial



Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Ego-resilience and Pain Catastrophizing Modulate Momentary Pain-affect Dynamics in Sickle Cell Disease: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Pilot Study

The Journal of Pain


Online Self-Management for Chronic Burn Pain: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial

The Journal of Pain


Frequency of Nocturnal Awakenings Moderates the Relationship between Daily Positive Affect and Pain among Patients with Sickle Cell Disease

The Journal of Pain


Increased Pain Sensitivity Is Associated with Reduced REM Sleep in Females with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

The Journal of Pain


Sleep, positive affect, and circulating interleukin-6 in women with temporomandibular joint disorder

Psychosomatic medicine


Chung Jung Mun
Chung Jung Mun

H-Index: 10

Michael A Owens
Michael A Owens

H-Index: 4

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

Pain expectancy and positive affect mediate the day-to-day association between objectively measured sleep and pain severity among women with temporomandibular disorder

The Journal of Pain


Multimodal prediction of pain and functional outcomes 6 months following total knee replacement: a prospective cohort study

BMC musculoskeletal disorders


Insomnia with objective short sleep duration in women with temporomandibular joint disorder: quantitative sensory testing, inflammation and clinical pain profiles

Sleep Medicine


Chung Jung Mun
Chung Jung Mun

H-Index: 10

Jennifer A Haythornthwaite
Jennifer A Haythornthwaite

H-Index: 49

See List of Professors in Jennifer A Haythornthwaite University(Johns Hopkins University)

