Javier J. Amores, PhD

About Javier J. Amores, PhD

Javier J. Amores, PhD, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Salamanca, specializes in the field of Sociology of communication, media studies, visual communication, political communication.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Política en 280 caracteres: un estudio de la opinión pública en Twitter sobre el gobierno de Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez en Colombia

Inequalities and the media: spread and reception of hate speech against migrants and refugees in social media

Racismo, discursos de odio y migraciones en el contexto de los medios de comunicación y las plataformas digitales

From Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action

The Conversation around COVID-19 on Twitter—Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling to Analyse Tweets Published in English during the First Wave of the Pandemic

Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe Beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists' Perceptions

Depictions of Migrants and Refugees in News Photographs from Southern Europe

The Figures Explaining the Impact of Migration

Javier J. Amores, PhD Information



Communication Researcher



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Javier J. Amores, PhD Skills & Research Interests

Sociology of communication

media studies

visual communication

political communication

Top articles of Javier J. Amores, PhD




Publication Date

Política en 280 caracteres: un estudio de la opinión pública en Twitter sobre el gobierno de Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez en Colombia

Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social" Disertaciones"

William González Baquero

Javier J Amores


Inequalities and the media: spread and reception of hate speech against migrants and refugees in social media

David Blanco-Herrero

Javier J Amores

Carlos Arcila-Calderón


Racismo, discursos de odio y migraciones en el contexto de los medios de comunicación y las plataformas digitales


Javier J. Amores

María Cristina Fuentes-Lara

Denise Cogo


From Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action


William González-Baquero

Javier J. Amores

Carlos Arcila-Calderón


The Conversation around COVID-19 on Twitter—Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling to Analyse Tweets Published in English during the First Wave of the Pandemic

Journalism and Media

Javier J Amores

David Blanco-Herrero

Carlos Arcila-Calderón


Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe Beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists' Perceptions

Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe Beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists' Perceptions

David Blanco-Herrero

Javier J Amores

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado


Depictions of Migrants and Refugees in News Photographs from Southern Europe

Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe Beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists' Perceptions

Javier Jiménez Amores

Nikolaos Panagiotou

Diego Garusi

Maria Matsiola


The Figures Explaining the Impact of Migration

Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe Beyond the News Stories: Photographs, Hate, and Journalists' Perceptions

Javier Jiménez Amores

David Blanco Herrero

Patricia Sánchez Holgado


Negative perceptions and hate speech toward migrants and refugees in Southern Europe through social media

Migrants and refugees in Southern Europe beyond the news stories: Photographs, hate, and journalists' perceptions

Theodora Saridou

Javier Jiménez Amores

Martín Oller

Andreas Veglis Alonso

Nikolaos Panagiotou


The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015


William González-Baquero

Javier J Amores

Carlos Arcila-Calderón


Discurso de odio y aceptación social hacia migrantes en Europa: Análisis de tuits con geolocalización

Comunicar: revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación

Carlos Arcila Calderón

Patricia Sánchez Holgado

Cristina Quintana-Moreno

Javier J Amores

David Blanco Herrero


Del análisis de contenido manual a la clasificación automática de textos a gran escala. Nuevos retos metodológicos en la detección del discurso de odio online

Del análisis de contenido manual a la clasificación automática de textos a gran escala: nuevos retos metodológicos en la detección del discurso de odio online

Carlos Arcila Calderón

Javier Jiménez-Amores

David Blanco Herrero


Online hate speech and immigration acceptance: A study of Spanish provinces

Social sciences

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

Javier J Amores

David Blanco-Herrero


How to detect online hate towards migrants and refugees? Developing and evaluating a classifier of racist and xenophobic hate speech using shallow and deep learning


Carlos Arcila-Calderón

Javier Amores

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

Lazaros Vrysis

Nikolaos Vryzas



Análisis comparativo de la información política publicada en Twitter por los principales medios impresos y digitales en torno a las elecciones generales del 10N de 2019


Javier J Amores

Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

David Blanco-Herrero


Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: analysis of tweets with geolocation//Discurso de odio y aceptación social hacia migrantes en Europa: análisis de tuits …


Carlos Arcila-Calderón

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

Cristina Quintana-Moreno

Javier J Amores

David Blanco-Herrero


INHS Newsletter–March 2022



W Alorainy

P Burnap

H Liu

M Williams



Detectando el odio ideológico en Twitter. Desarrollo y evaluación de un detector de discurso de odio por ideología política en tuits en español

Cuadernos. info

Javier J Amores

David Blanco-Herrero

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez


Topic modelling of racist and xenophobic YouTube comments. Analyzing hate speech against migrants and refugees spread through YouTube in Spanish

Juan Pablo Latorre

Javier J Amores


Using shallow and deep learning to automatically detect hate motivated by gender and sexual orientation on Twitter in Spanish

Multimodal technologies and interaction

Carlos Arcila-Calderón

Javier J Amores

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado

David Blanco-Herrero


See List of Professors in Javier J. Amores, PhD University(Universidad de Salamanca)

