Jannes Kordilla

About Jannes Kordilla

Jannes Kordilla, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, specializes in the field of Hydrogeology, unsaturated flow and transport modeling, numerics, parallel computing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Dispersion in heterogeneous networks under linear and non-linear flow conditions

Optimizing Water Storage in a Mediterranean Karst Aquifer: A Comprehensive Vadose and Phreatic Modeling Approach

Managing climate change impacts on the Western Mountain Aquifer: Implications for Mediterranean karst groundwater resources

Joint inversion of groundwater flow, heat, and solute state variables: a multipurpose approach for characterization and forecast of karst systems

Variably saturated dual-permeability flow modeling to assess distributed infiltration and vadose storage dynamics of a karst aquifer–The Western Mountain Aquifer in Israel and …

Three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of preferential flow dynamics at fracture intersections on a high-performance computing platform

Joint-inversion of spring flow and transport signatures: a multi-purpose approach for characterization and forecast of a karst system

Numerical and analytical modeling of flow partitioning in partially saturated fracture networks.

Jannes Kordilla Information



Applied Geology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Jannes Kordilla Skills & Research Interests


unsaturated flow and transport modeling


parallel computing

Top articles of Jannes Kordilla

Dispersion in heterogeneous networks under linear and non-linear flow conditions


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Juan Hidalgo
Juan Hidalgo

H-Index: 5

Optimizing Water Storage in a Mediterranean Karst Aquifer: A Comprehensive Vadose and Phreatic Modeling Approach


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Martin Sauter
Martin Sauter

H-Index: 33

Managing climate change impacts on the Western Mountain Aquifer: Implications for Mediterranean karst groundwater resources

Journal of Hydrology X


Joint inversion of groundwater flow, heat, and solute state variables: a multipurpose approach for characterization and forecast of karst systems

Hydrogeology Journal


Variably saturated dual-permeability flow modeling to assess distributed infiltration and vadose storage dynamics of a karst aquifer–The Western Mountain Aquifer in Israel and …

Journal of Hydrology X


Three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of preferential flow dynamics at fracture intersections on a high-performance computing platform

Authorea Preprints


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Joint-inversion of spring flow and transport signatures: a multi-purpose approach for characterization and forecast of a karst system

Authorea Preprints


Numerical and analytical modeling of flow partitioning in partially saturated fracture networks.

Water Resources Research


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Experimental study and analytical modeling of preferential flow and partitioning dynamics at unsaturated fracture intersections

Authorea Preprints


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Integrated and process-based modeling of flow and transport in multi-compartment karst systems with thick vadose zones

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Martin Sauter
Martin Sauter

H-Index: 33

Impact of climate change and groundwater consumption scenarios on a major transboundary karst water resource-The Western Mountain Aquifer in Israel and the West Bank

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Dual-domain modeling of discharge dynamics in a laboratory-scale fractured porous matrix system

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Laboratory experiments and dual‐domain modeling of infiltration dynamics in partially saturated fractured porous media

Vadose Zone Journal


John Nimmo
John Nimmo

H-Index: 8

Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Distributed modeling of groundwater recharge in a semi-arid carbonate aquifer using the integrated surface-subsurface flow simulator HydroGeoSphere

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Flow partitioning in partially saturated fracture networks: Relation between dispersive properties and internal fracture geometry

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Predicting preferential flow and water table fluctuations in karst systems using film-flow theory and source-responsive models

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Martin Sauter
Martin Sauter

H-Index: 33

Laboratory and field studies of preferential flow dynamics in unsaturated fractured porous media

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Multiscale smoothed particle hydrodynamics model development for simulating preferential flow dynamics in fractured porous media

Water Resources Research


Martin Sauter
Martin Sauter

H-Index: 33

Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

[Dataset] SPH simulations of capillary flows and partitioning dynamics at fracture intersections


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

Investigating preferential flow dynamics in idealized porous fracture networks via (quasi) 2-D lab experiments-Controls of fracture and matrix properties on flow behavior

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jannes Kordilla
Jannes Kordilla

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Jannes Kordilla University(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

