Irina Torres

About Irina Torres

Irina Torres, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Córdoba, specializes in the field of Food Technology, Quality control system, Spectral Sensors, Big data, Multivariate analysis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessment of watermelon maturity using portable new generation NIR spectrophotometers

Breed authentication in Iberian pork meat analysed in situ using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

Data optimization to predict quality parameters in oranges analysed using hyperspectral imaging

Online NIRS analysis for the routine assessment of the nitrate content in spinach plants in the processing industry using linear and non-linear methods

Prediction of total feed intake of dairy cows using a portable near-infrared microspectrometer

Fraud detection in batches of sweet almonds by portable near-infrared spectral devices

Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of the main unsaturated fatty acid distribution in shelled almonds analysed in bulk

Classification by bitterness of intact almonds analysed in bulk using NIR spectroscopy

Irina Torres Information



- ETSIAM (Postdoctoral Researcher)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Irina Torres Skills & Research Interests

Food Technology

Quality control system

Spectral Sensors

Big data

Multivariate analysis

Top articles of Irina Torres

Assessment of watermelon maturity using portable new generation NIR spectrophotometers

Scientia Horticulturae


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Breed authentication in Iberian pork meat analysed in situ using Near Infrared Spectroscopy


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

Data optimization to predict quality parameters in oranges analysed using hyperspectral imaging


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Online NIRS analysis for the routine assessment of the nitrate content in spinach plants in the processing industry using linear and non-linear methods



Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Prediction of total feed intake of dairy cows using a portable near-infrared microspectrometer


Fraud detection in batches of sweet almonds by portable near-infrared spectral devices



Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of the main unsaturated fatty acid distribution in shelled almonds analysed in bulk


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

Classification by bitterness of intact almonds analysed in bulk using NIR spectroscopy


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

Near infrared methodology for growth monitoring of spinach plants in the field


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

An innovative non-targeted control system based on NIR spectral information for detecting non-compliant batches of sweet almonds

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Exploring the potential of NIRS technology for the in situ prediction of amygdalin content and classification by bitterness of in-shell and shelled intact almonds

Journal of Food Engineering


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Non-destructive determination of fatty acid composition of in-shell and shelled almonds using handheld NIRS sensors

Postharvest Biology and Technology


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Mapping of fatty acids composition in shelled almonds analysed in bulk using a Hyperspectral Imaging system



Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Routine NIRS analysis methodology to predict quality and safety indexes in spinach plants during their growing season in the field

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Integrated soluble solid and nitrate content assessment of spinach plants using portable NIRS sensors along the supply chain

Postharvest Biology and Technology


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

New generation NIRS sensors for quality and safety assurance in summer squashes along the food supply chain


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

Setting up a methodology to distinguish between green oranges and leaves using hyperspectral imaging


In situ ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Chemical Characterization of Wine Vinegars Belonging to the Vinagre de Montilla-Moriles Protected Designation of Origin, Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Food Analytical Methods


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Simultaneous detection of quality and safety in spinach plants using a new generation of NIRS sensors

Postharvest Biology and Technology


Irina Torres
Irina Torres

H-Index: 9

Ana Garrido-Varo
Ana Garrido-Varo

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Irina Torres University(Universidad de Córdoba)