Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen

About Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen

Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen, With an exceptional h-index of 39 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Bergen, specializes in the field of Radiology, Gynecologic Cancer, Pancreatic Imaging.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How do AI markings on screening mammograms correspond to cancer location? An informed review of 270 breast cancer cases in BreastScreen Norway

Impact of MRI radiomic feature normalization for prognostic modelling in uterine endometrial and cervical cancers.

The Role of Imaging in Cervical Cancer Staging: ESGO/ESTRO/ESP Guidelines (Update 2023)

Clinicopathological and radiological stratification within FIGO 2018 stages improves risk-prediction in cervical cancer

AI performance by mammographic density in a retrospective cohort study of 99,489 participants in BreastScreen Norway

Short and equal vascular stump length after standardized laparoscopic and open surgery with central lymphadenectomy for right-sided colon cancer

938 Is temporal change in abdominal fat distribution related to endometrial cancer prognosis?

Prediction of surgical outcome in advanced ovarian cancer by imaging and laparoscopy: a narrative review

Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen Information



Professor i Radiologi ved



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen Skills & Research Interests


Gynecologic Cancer

Pancreatic Imaging

Top articles of Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen




Publication Date

How do AI markings on screening mammograms correspond to cancer location? An informed review of 270 breast cancer cases in BreastScreen Norway

European Radiology

Henrik Wethe Koch

Marthe Larsen

Hauke Bartsch

Marit Almenning Martiniussen

Bodil Margrethe Styr



Impact of MRI radiomic feature normalization for prognostic modelling in uterine endometrial and cervical cancers.

Erlend Hodneland

Erling Andersen

Kari S Wagner-Larsen

Julie A Dybvik

Njål Lura



The Role of Imaging in Cervical Cancer Staging: ESGO/ESTRO/ESP Guidelines (Update 2023)

Daniela Fischerova

Filip Frühauf

Andrea Burgetova

Ingfrid S Haldorsen

Elena Gatti



Clinicopathological and radiological stratification within FIGO 2018 stages improves risk-prediction in cervical cancer

Gynecologic Oncology

Mari K Halle

Olivera Bozickovic

David Forsse

Kari S Wagner-Larsen

Rose M Gold



AI performance by mammographic density in a retrospective cohort study of 99,489 participants in BreastScreen Norway

European Radiology

Marie Burns Bergan

Marthe Larsen

Nataliia Moshina

Hauke Bartsch

Henrik Wethe Koch



Short and equal vascular stump length after standardized laparoscopic and open surgery with central lymphadenectomy for right-sided colon cancer

British Journal of Surgery

Kristin B Lygre

Geir E Eide

Marjolein H Liedenbaum

Idun MB Augland

Ingfrid S Haldorsen



938 Is temporal change in abdominal fat distribution related to endometrial cancer prognosis?

Kristine E Fasmer

Jostein Sæterstøl

Maria Beate Svanes Ljunggren

Astrid Marie Kirkesæther Brun

Johanna MA Pijnenborg



Prediction of surgical outcome in advanced ovarian cancer by imaging and laparoscopy: a narrative review

Patrícia Pinto

Andrea Burgetova

David Cibula

Ingfrid S Haldorsen

Tereza Indrielle-Kelly



# 925 Validation of single-cell profiling data from recurrent low stage endometrial cancer; low vimentin is a robust marker for poor prognosis in endometrial cancer, including …

Hilde Eide Lien

Marta Espevold Hjelmeland

Hege Fredriksen Berg

Mari Kyllesø Halle

Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen



Single-cell profiling of low-stage endometrial cancers identifies low epithelial vimentin expression as a marker of recurrent disease (vol 92, 104595, 2023)


Hilde E Lien

Hege F Berg

Mari K Halle

Jone Trovik

Ingfrid S Haldorsen



Mismatch repair markers in preoperative and operative endometrial cancer samples; expression concordance and prognostic value

British journal of cancer

Hege F Berg

Hilde Engerud

Madeleine Myrvold

Hilde E Lien

Marta Espevold Hjelmeland



Corrigendum to “Single-cell profiling of low-stage endometrial cancers identifies low epithelial vimentin expression as a marker of recurrent disease”[EBioMedicine 92 (2023 …


Hilde E Lien

Hege F Berg

Mari K Halle

Jone Trovik

Ingfrid S Haldorsen



# 870 Radiomic profiles improve prognostication and reveal targets for therapy in cervical cancer

Mari Kyllesø Halle

Erlend Hodneland

Kari S Wagner-Larsen

Njål G Lura

Kristine E Fasmer



Inter-and intra-observer variability of computed tomography-based parenchymal-and ductal diameters in chronic pancreatitis: a multi-observer international study

Abdominal Radiology

Jens Borgbjerg

Emily Steinkohl

Søren S Olesen

Fatih Akisik

Anne Bethke



Visceral fat percentage for prediction of outcome in uterine cervical cancer

Gynecologic Oncology

Agnes J Eide

Mari K Halle

Njål Lura

Kristine E Fasmer

Kari Wagner-Larsen



Microvascular proliferation is associated with high tumour blood flow by mpMRI and disease progression in primary prostate cancer

Scientific Reports

Astrid Børretzen

Lars AR Reisæter

Anders Ringheim

Karsten Gravdal

Svein A Haukaas



Preoperative pelvic MRI and 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT for lymph node staging and prognostication in endometrial cancer—time to revisit current imaging guidelines?

European Radiology

Kristine E Fasmer

Ankush Gulati

Julie A Dybvik

Kari S Wagner-Larsen

Njål Lura



Dag Kjartan Jensen

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening

Aslak Aslaksen

Jan Wirsching

Ingfrid Haldorsen

Aina Nærø Kristensen


MRI‐based radiomic signatures for pretreatment prognostication in cervical cancer

Cancer Medicine

Kari S Wagner‐Larsen

Erlend Hodneland

Kristine E Fasmer

Njål Lura

Kathrine Woie



Preoperative CA125 significantly improves risk stratification in high-grade endometrial cancer


Marike S Lombaers

Karlijn MC Cornel

Nicole CM Visser

Johan Bulten

Heidi VN Küsters-Vandevelde



See List of Professors in Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen University(Universitetet i Bergen)