Harriot Beazley

About Harriot Beazley

Harriot Beazley, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of the Sunshine Coast, specializes in the field of Children's Geographies, Development Geography, Participatory Research, Children's Rights.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Culturally based learning needs of Korowai students in a lowland-remote area of Indonesian Papua: school physical environment and building design

Re-imagining child-nature relationships in ecotourism: children’s conservation awareness through nature play and nature-based learning

Leaves on a Pillow: The Representation of Street Children in the Indonesian Film Daun di Atas Bantal

A labour of love: Cross‐cultural research collaboration between Australia and Indonesia

Women’s Empowerment in a Community-Based Tourism Project: A Case Study from the ‘Spice Islands’ of North Maluku, Indonesia

Adaptation, sustainable food systems and healthy diets: an analysis of climate policy integration in Fiji and Vanuatu

Children during the COVID-19 pandemic: children and young people’s vulnerability and wellbeing in Indonesia

Children’s rights in the tourism industry

Harriot Beazley Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Harriot Beazley Skills & Research Interests

Children's Geographies

Development Geography

Participatory Research

Children's Rights

Top articles of Harriot Beazley

Culturally based learning needs of Korowai students in a lowland-remote area of Indonesian Papua: school physical environment and building design

The Australian Educational Researcher


Michael Carey
Michael Carey

H-Index: 10

Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Re-imagining child-nature relationships in ecotourism: children’s conservation awareness through nature play and nature-based learning

Children's Geographies


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Amanda Miller
Amanda Miller

H-Index: 1

Leaves on a Pillow: The Representation of Street Children in the Indonesian Film Daun di Atas Bantal


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

A labour of love: Cross‐cultural research collaboration between Australia and Indonesia

Geo: Geography and Environment


Women’s Empowerment in a Community-Based Tourism Project: A Case Study from the ‘Spice Islands’ of North Maluku, Indonesia


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Adaptation, sustainable food systems and healthy diets: an analysis of climate policy integration in Fiji and Vanuatu

Climate Policy


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Children during the COVID-19 pandemic: children and young people’s vulnerability and wellbeing in Indonesia

Children's Geographies


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Children’s rights in the tourism industry

The International Journal of Children's Rights


Antonia Canosa
Antonia Canosa

H-Index: 10

Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

“I Can't Do Anything but Wait”: The Lived Experiences of Children of Transnational Migrants in Lombok, Indonesia



Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

‘We have to make the tourists happy’; orphanage tourism in Siem Reap, Cambodia through the children’s own voices

Children's Geographies


Amanda Miller
Amanda Miller

H-Index: 1

Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Uncovering multilayered vulnerability and resilience in rural villages in the Pacific: a case study of Ono Island, Fiji

Ecology and Society


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Climate change adaptation planning in remote contexts: insights from community-based natural resource management and rural development initiatives in the Pacific Islands

Climate and Development


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Challenges and opportunities for food systems in a changing climate: A systematic review of climate policy integration


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Exposure to sexually explicit Internet material among adolescents: A study in Vietnam

Health Psychology Report


Coping with grief, loss, and well-being during a pandemic: A collaborative autoethnography of international educators during COVID-19

International Social Work


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Cindy Davis
Cindy Davis

H-Index: 17

Sustaining healthy diets in times of change: linking climate hazards, food systems and nutrition security in rural communities of the Fiji Islands

Regional Environmental Change


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Teen Lives in Indonesia


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

Children’s experiences of disaster: A case study from Lombok, Indonesia

Natural Hazards and Disaster Justice: Challenges for Australia and Its Neighbours


Harriot Beazley
Harriot Beazley

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Harriot Beazley University(University of the Sunshine Coast)