Haiyan Hao

Haiyan Hao

University of Florida

H-index: 8

North America-United States

About Haiyan Hao

Haiyan Hao, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Florida, specializes in the field of Resilience Planning, Big Urban Data, Smart City.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The emerging “evident” role of climatic risk on migration: a study of four US metropolitans

A Deep Learning Representation of Spatial Interaction Model for Resilient Spatial Planning of Community Business Clusters

Modeling dynamics of community resilience to extreme events with explainable deep learning

Enabling smart curb management with spatiotemporal deep learning

Smart Curb Digital Twin: Inventorying Curb Environments using Computer Vision and Street Imagery

Disentangling relations between urban form and urban accessibility for resilience to extreme weather and climate events

Preparing Urban Curbside for Increasing Mobility-on-Demand Using Data-Driven Agent-Based Simulation: Case Study of City of Gainesville, Florida

Simulating Urban Population Activities under Extreme Events with Data-Driven Agent-Based Modeling

Haiyan Hao Information



Ph.D. student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Haiyan Hao Skills & Research Interests

Resilience Planning

Big Urban Data

Smart City

Top articles of Haiyan Hao

The emerging “evident” role of climatic risk on migration: a study of four US metropolitans

Climatic Change


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

A Deep Learning Representation of Spatial Interaction Model for Resilient Spatial Planning of Community Business Clusters

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04849


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Modeling dynamics of community resilience to extreme events with explainable deep learning

Natural hazards review


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Enabling smart curb management with spatiotemporal deep learning

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems


Smart Curb Digital Twin: Inventorying Curb Environments using Computer Vision and Street Imagery

IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Disentangling relations between urban form and urban accessibility for resilience to extreme weather and climate events

Landscape and Urban Planning


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Preparing Urban Curbside for Increasing Mobility-on-Demand Using Data-Driven Agent-Based Simulation: Case Study of City of Gainesville, Florida

Journal of Management in Engineering


Simulating Urban Population Activities under Extreme Events with Data-Driven Agent-Based Modeling


Examining “digital” vulnerability to flooding among subsidized housing residents in Florida

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Analyzing Intersection Gap Acceptance Behavior with Naturalistic Driving Data


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Examining risk and crisis communications of government agencies and stakeholders during early-stages of COVID-19 on Twitter

Computers in Human Behavior


Assessing disaster impact in real time: Data-driven system integrating humans, hazards, and the built environment

Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Understanding gap acceptance behavior at unsignalized intersections using naturalistic driving study data

Transportation research record


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Leveraging multimodal social media data for rapid disaster damage assessment

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Understanding crashes involving roadway objects with SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study data

Journal of safety research


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Linbing Wang
Linbing Wang

H-Index: 29

Hurricane Damage Assessment with Multi-, Crowd-Sourced Image Data: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma in the City of Miami.


Haiyan Hao
Haiyan Hao

H-Index: 3

Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Haiyan Hao University(University of Florida)

