hadi naddaf

About hadi naddaf

hadi naddaf, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Using odontoblasts derived from dog endometrial stem cells encapsulated in fibrin gel associated with BMP-2 in a rat pulp-capping model

Encapsulation of human endometrial stem cells in chitosan hydrogel containing titanium oxide nanoparticles for dental pulp repair and tissue regeneration in male Wistar rats

An investigation on the reparative effects of boswellic acid on experimental spinal cord injury in a Wistar rat model

Effect of lidocaine, fentanyl, or dexmedetomidine on minimum infusion rate and cardiorespiratory variables in dogs undergoing ketofol total intravenous anesthesia

Paravertebral brachial plexus block in sheep: a cadaveric and in vivo study

Evaluation of intraperitoneal administration of morphine on post‐operative pain management after ovariohysterectomy in dogs

Histopathologic Evaluation of Honey-Zinc Oxide Combination on Full-Thickness Experimental Wound Healing in Rats

Surgical treatment of a mammary gland comedocarcinoma in an Arabian mare: Post‐operative management, and histopathological and immunohistochemical features

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Top articles of hadi naddaf

Using odontoblasts derived from dog endometrial stem cells encapsulated in fibrin gel associated with BMP-2 in a rat pulp-capping model

Current Issues in Molecular Biology


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Sara Bernardi
Sara Bernardi

H-Index: 15

Encapsulation of human endometrial stem cells in chitosan hydrogel containing titanium oxide nanoparticles for dental pulp repair and tissue regeneration in male Wistar rats

Journal of bioscience and bioengineering


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

An investigation on the reparative effects of boswellic acid on experimental spinal cord injury in a Wistar rat model

Veterinary Clinical Pathology


Effect of lidocaine, fentanyl, or dexmedetomidine on minimum infusion rate and cardiorespiratory variables in dogs undergoing ketofol total intravenous anesthesia

Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research


Paravertebral brachial plexus block in sheep: a cadaveric and in vivo study

Veterinary Research Forum


Evaluation of intraperitoneal administration of morphine on post‐operative pain management after ovariohysterectomy in dogs

Veterinary Medicine and Science


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Histopathologic Evaluation of Honey-Zinc Oxide Combination on Full-Thickness Experimental Wound Healing in Rats

Iranian Veterinary Journal


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Annahita Rezaie
Annahita Rezaie

H-Index: 14

Surgical treatment of a mammary gland comedocarcinoma in an Arabian mare: Post‐operative management, and histopathological and immunohistochemical features

Equine Veterinary Education


The effects of doxapram on haematology, serum biochemical parameters and erythrocyte oxidant/antioxidant status in dogs anaesthetized with propofol

Veterinary Medicine and Science


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Ali Baniadam
Ali Baniadam

H-Index: 5

Determination of Minimum Infusion Rate and Cardiorespiratory Effects of Total Intravenous Anesthesia of Ketofol With or Without Lidocaine, Fentanyl or Dexmedetomidine in Dogs


Hadi Imani Rastabi
Hadi Imani Rastabi

H-Index: 4

Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Effectiveness of nuchal ligament autograft in the healing of an experimental superficial digital flexor tendon defect in equid

Veterinary Research Forum


Silymarin effect on experimental bone defect repair in rat following implantation of the electrospun PLA/carbon nanotubes scaffold associated with Wharton's jelly …

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Effects of Graphene Quantum Dots on the Osteogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells from Human Endometrial

Armaghane Danesh


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Comparison of sedative and some cardiopulmonary effects of intramuscular medetomidine or medetomidine–tramadol in dogs

Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia


Hadi Naddaf
Hadi Naddaf

H-Index: 5

Evaluation of immune factors of blood serum after pulpectomy of dog’s teeth using two root filling material

Medical Science


See List of Professors in hadi naddaf University(Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz)