Gunnar Börjesson

About Gunnar Börjesson

Gunnar Börjesson, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, specializes in the field of plant nutrition and soil biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Where does all the phosphorus go? Mass balance modelling of phosphorus in the Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments

Thresholds of target phosphorus fertility classes in European fertilizer recommendations in relation to critical soil test phosphorus values derived from the analysis of 55 …

Fertilizer type effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in a Swedish long-term field experiment

Composition of the microbial community in long-term organic and conventional farming systems.

Interactive long-term effects of liming and P application on clay soil: crop yield increases up to pH 7.5(aq)

Opportunities for mitigating soil compaction in Europe—Case studies from the soilcare project using soil-improving cropping systems

Phosphorus desorption and isotope exchange kinetics in agricultural soils

Evidence-based review on soil properties limiting crop yields in Sweden-a study using soil inventory data and long-term soil fertility experiments.

Gunnar Börjesson Information



Dept of Soil and Environment Uppsala Sweden



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Gunnar Börjesson Skills & Research Interests

plant nutrition and soil biology

Top articles of Gunnar Börjesson

Where does all the phosphorus go? Mass balance modelling of phosphorus in the Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments



Jon Petter Gustafsson
Jon Petter Gustafsson

H-Index: 35

Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Thresholds of target phosphorus fertility classes in European fertilizer recommendations in relation to critical soil test phosphorus values derived from the analysis of 55 …

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Fertilizer type effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in a Swedish long-term field experiment

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Composition of the microbial community in long-term organic and conventional farming systems.



Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Interactive long-term effects of liming and P application on clay soil: crop yield increases up to pH 7.5(aq)

Plant and Soil


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Opportunities for mitigating soil compaction in Europe—Case studies from the soilcare project using soil-improving cropping systems



Phosphorus desorption and isotope exchange kinetics in agricultural soils

Soil Use and Management


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Jon Petter Gustafsson
Jon Petter Gustafsson

H-Index: 35

Evidence-based review on soil properties limiting crop yields in Sweden-a study using soil inventory data and long-term soil fertility experiments.


Slamspridning på åkermark: mullhaltens betydelse


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Importance of fungi in a 63 years old long-term field experiment with 20 years of maize growth

European Journal of Soil Biology


Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz

H-Index: 82

Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Soil carbon insures arable crop production against increasing adverse weather due to climate change

Environmental Research Letters


Deep N fertilizer placement mitigated N2O emissions in a Swedish field trial with cereals

Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Soil properties currently limiting crop yields in Swedish agriculture–an analysis of 90 yield survey districts and 10 long-term field experiments

European Journal of Agronomy


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Faruk Djodjic
Faruk Djodjic

H-Index: 16

Dynamics of fungal and bacterial groups and their carbon sources during the growing season of maize in a long-term experiment

Biology and Fertility of Soils


Muhammad Shahbaz
Muhammad Shahbaz

H-Index: 82

Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Influence of cropping and fertilization on soil pore characteristics in a long-term field study


Jumpei Fukumasu
Jumpei Fukumasu

H-Index: 1

Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

Odlingssystemens effekter på kolinlagring i jordbruksmark

Report from the Department of Crop Production Ecology (VPE)


Gunnar Börjesson
Gunnar Börjesson

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Gunnar Börjesson University(Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet)