Guirong Yan

About Guirong Yan

Guirong Yan, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of Tornado simulation, Wind hazard mitigation, Structural health monitoring, Nonlinear dynamics, Sensor technologies.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Application of Multidisciplinary Community Resilience Modeling to Reduce Disaster Risk: Building Back Better

Quantifying the role of insurance in tornado-impacted community recovery: a survey and simulation-based approach

Bonds for disaster resilience: A review of literature and practice

Understanding Tornadic Wind Effects on Manufactured or Mobile Homes through High-Fidelity CFD Simulations

Investigation of Wind Forcing on the Energy Dissipation of Solitary Waves in a Storm Surge

Characterizing energy dissipation of shallow-water wave breaking in a storm surge

Breaking threshold and energy dissipation in solitary waves in a depth transition

Resonance analysis between deck and cables in cable-stayed bridges with coupling effect of adjacent cables considered

Guirong Yan Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Guirong Yan Skills & Research Interests

Tornado simulation

Wind hazard mitigation

Structural health monitoring

Nonlinear dynamics

Sensor technologies

Top articles of Guirong Yan

Application of Multidisciplinary Community Resilience Modeling to Reduce Disaster Risk: Building Back Better

Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities


Quantifying the role of insurance in tornado-impacted community recovery: a survey and simulation-based approach

Natural Hazards


Bonds for disaster resilience: A review of literature and practice


Sara Hamideh
Sara Hamideh

H-Index: 7

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Understanding Tornadic Wind Effects on Manufactured or Mobile Homes through High-Fidelity CFD Simulations

Journal of Structural Engineering


Investigation of Wind Forcing on the Energy Dissipation of Solitary Waves in a Storm Surge

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Wouter Mostert
Wouter Mostert

H-Index: 7

Characterizing energy dissipation of shallow-water wave breaking in a storm surge

Physical Review Fluids


Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Wouter Mostert
Wouter Mostert

H-Index: 7

Breaking threshold and energy dissipation in solitary waves in a depth transition

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Wouter Mostert
Wouter Mostert

H-Index: 7

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Resonance analysis between deck and cables in cable-stayed bridges with coupling effect of adjacent cables considered

Nonlinear Dynamics


Wind effects on dome structures and evaluation of CFD simulations through wind tunnel testing



Three-dimensional printing of reinforced concrete and nozzle therefor


Surrogate-based Optimal Multidisciplinary Takeoff Trajectory Design for Electric Drones


Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Inverse Machine Learning Prediction for Optimal Tilt-Wing eVTOL Takeoff Trajectory


Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Influence of swirl ratio and radial Reynolds number on wind characteristics of multi-vortex tornadoes

Advances in Structural Engineering


Relationships between depth-induced breaking of solitary waves and deep-water breakers

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Wouter Mostert
Wouter Mostert

H-Index: 7

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Kinetic Particle Simulations of Plasma and Dust Environments at Robotic Construction Sites near the Lunar Terminator

Journal of Aerospace Engineering


Xiaoming He
Xiaoming He

H-Index: 21

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Tornado-induced structural damage based on reconnaissance surveys of the 2019 Jefferson City, Missouri, Tornado and Previous Notable Tornadoes

Natural Hazards Review


Evaluation of wind loads on square transmission towers with angle members under skewed winds

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics


Influence of turbulence modeling on CFD simulation results of tornado-structure interaction

Wind and Structures


Zhi Li
Zhi Li

H-Index: 2

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

On internal resonance analysis of a double-cable-stayed shallow-arch model with elastic supports at both ends

Acta Mechanica Sinica


Xiaoyang Su
Xiaoyang Su

H-Index: 19

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

Revealing energy transfer between deck and cables in cable-stayed bridges through resonancne analysis with coupling effect of adjacent cables considered


Xiaoyang Su
Xiaoyang Su

H-Index: 19

Guirong Yan
Guirong Yan

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Guirong Yan University(Missouri University of Science and Technology)