Gabriele Curci

About Gabriele Curci

Gabriele Curci, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, specializes in the field of atmospheric science, atmospheric modelling, air quality, climate, environmental meteorology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

AI and physical models for air quality monitoring at urban scale with PRISMA hyperspectral data

Assessing the vulnerability to climate change of tree species for urban afforestation

Analysis of Radon Near-Surface Measurements, Using Co-Located Ozone Data, Radio-Sounding Vertical Profiles, Sensible Heat Flux and Back-Trajectory Calculation

Added value of amateur observational network for high-resolution climatological analysis: a case study in the aterno valley, abruzzo, Italy

Satellite NO2 Retrieval Complicated by Aerosol Composition over Global Urban Agglomerations: Seasonal Variations and Long-Term Trends (2001–2018)

Detection, classification and physical analysis of Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Region: a full exploitation of ERA5 dataset

The Dirtier You Breathe, The Less Safe You Are. The Effect of Air Pollution on Work Accidents

Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea exploiting ERA5 dataset: detection, classification, statistical and synoptic analysis of their occurrance

Gabriele Curci Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Gabriele Curci Skills & Research Interests

atmospheric science

atmospheric modelling

air quality


environmental meteorology

Top articles of Gabriele Curci




Publication Date

AI and physical models for air quality monitoring at urban scale with PRISMA hyperspectral data

Davide De Santis

Sarathchandrakumar T Sasidharan

Marco Di Giacomo

Gianmarco Bencivenni

Fabio Del Frate



Assessing the vulnerability to climate change of tree species for urban afforestation

Cristiano Gala

Gabriele Curci

Loretta Pace

Alessandro Marucci

Dina Del Tosto


Analysis of Radon Near-Surface Measurements, Using Co-Located Ozone Data, Radio-Sounding Vertical Profiles, Sensible Heat Flux and Back-Trajectory Calculation

Pure and Applied Geophysics

Giovanni Pitari

Gabriele Curci

Vincenzo Rizi

Marco Iarlori

Paolo Tuccella


Added value of amateur observational network for high-resolution climatological analysis: a case study in the aterno valley, abruzzo, Italy

Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology

Gabriele Curci


Satellite NO2 Retrieval Complicated by Aerosol Composition over Global Urban Agglomerations: Seasonal Variations and Long-Term Trends (2001–2018)

Environmental Science & Technology

Song Liu

Pieter Valks

Gabriele Curci

Yuyang Chen

Lei Shu



Detection, classification and physical analysis of Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Region: a full exploitation of ERA5 dataset

Cosimo Enrico Carniel

Rossella Ferretti

Antonio Ricchi

Gabriele Curci

Mario Marcello Miglietta



The Dirtier You Breathe, The Less Safe You Are. The Effect of Air Pollution on Work Accidents

Gabriele Curci

Domenico Depalo

Alessandro Palma


Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea exploiting ERA5 dataset: detection, classification, statistical and synoptic analysis of their occurrance

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts

Cosimo Enrico Carniel

Rossella Ferretti

Antonio Ricchi

Gabriele Curci

Mario Marcello Miglietta



The ‘Primary’Project: Air Quality Monitoring at Urban Scale with Prisma Hyperspectral Data

Davide De Santis

Sarathchandrakumar T Sasidharan

Fabio Del Frate

Gabriele Curci

Francesca Barnaba



Automated machine learning to evaluate the information content of tropospheric trace gas columns for fine particle estimates over India: A modeling testbed

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Zhonghua Zheng

Arlene M Fiore

Daniel M Westervelt

George P Milly

Jeff Goldsmith



Climate-change related evolution of future building cooling energy demand in a Mediterranean Country

Energy and Buildings

Ferdinando Salata

Serena Falasca

Virgilio Ciancio

Gabriele Curci

Pieter de Wilde


Regional impacts of black carbon morphologies on aerosol-radiation interactions: A comparative study between the US and China.

Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions

Jie Luo

Zhengqiang Li

Chenchong Zhang

Qixing Zhang

Yongming Zhang



Climatic suitability of different areas in Abruzzo, Central Italy, for the cultivation of hazelnut


Bruno Di Lena

Gabriele Curci

Lorenzo Vergni

Daniela Farinelli


Satellite-based evaluation of AeroCom model bias in biomass burning regions

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Qirui Zhong

Nick Schutgens

Guido Van Der Werf

Twan Van Noije

Kostas Tsigaridis



Estimating building cooling energy demand through the Cooling Degree Hours in a changing climate: A modeling study

Sustainable Cities and Society

Ferdinando Salata

Serena Falasca

Virgilio Ciancio

Gabriele Curci

Stefano Grignaffini



Regional impacts of black carbon morphologies on shortwave aerosol–radiation interactions: a comparative study between the US and China

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Jie Luo

Zhengqiang Li

Chenchong Zhang

Qixing Zhang

Yongming Zhang



On the mitigation potential of higher urban albedo in a temperate oceanic metropolis

Sustainable Cities and Society

Serena Falasca

Michele Zinzi

Lan Ding

Gabriele Curci

Mattheos Santamouris


A Preliminary Study of Summer Thermo-Hygrometric Comfort under Different Environmental Conditions in a Mediterranean City

Urban Science

Serena Falasca

Annalisa Di Bernardino

Virgilio Ciancio

Gabriele Curci

Ferdinando Salata


On the redox-activity and health-effects of atmospheric primary and secondary aerosol: Phenomenology


Francesca Costabile

Stefano Decesari

Roberta Vecchi

Franco Lucarelli

Gabriele Curci



Analysis and classification of severe cyclogenesis events over the western Mediterranean Sea in the last 40 years

Cosimo Enrico Carniel

Rossella Ferretti

Antonio Ricchi

Gabriele Curci

Piero Serafini



See List of Professors in Gabriele Curci University(Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)

