Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

About Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

Felipe Pinheiro Vilela, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Microbiologia, Bacteriologia, Epidemiologia Molecular.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Virulence potential of Salmonella 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated during decades from different sources in the Southeast region of Brazil

The rare Salmonella enterica serovar Isangi: genomic characterization of the antimicrobial resistance, virulence potential and epidemiology of Brazilian strains in …

Genomic analyses of drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg strains isolated from meat and related sources between 2013 and 2017 in the south …

Genomic characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis from Brazil reveals a swine gallbladder isolate harboring colistin resistance gene mcr-1.1

Prevalence of efflux pump and heavy metal tolerance encoding genes among Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis strains from diverse sources in Brazil

Whole genome sequencing analyses revealed that Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin strains from Brazil belonged to two predominant clades

Genomic characterization and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis isolated from food, humans and veterinary‐related sources in Brazil

Analysis of the antimicrobial resistance gene frequency in whole-genome sequenced Vibrio from Latin American countries

Felipe Pinheiro Vilela Information



Aluno de Mestrado Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto -



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Felipe Pinheiro Vilela Skills & Research Interests



Epidemiologia Molecular

Top articles of Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

Virulence potential of Salmonella 1,4, [5],12:i:- strains isolated during decades from different sources in the Southeast region of Brazil

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


The rare Salmonella enterica serovar Isangi: genomic characterization of the antimicrobial resistance, virulence potential and epidemiology of Brazilian strains in …

Journal of Medical Microbiology


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Genomic analyses of drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg strains isolated from meat and related sources between 2013 and 2017 in the south …

Current Genetics


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Genomic characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis from Brazil reveals a swine gallbladder isolate harboring colistin resistance gene mcr-1.1

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Prevalence of efflux pump and heavy metal tolerance encoding genes among Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis strains from diverse sources in Brazil

Plos one


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Whole genome sequencing analyses revealed that Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin strains from Brazil belonged to two predominant clades

Scientific Reports


Genomic characterization and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis isolated from food, humans and veterinary‐related sources in Brazil

Journal of Applied Microbiology


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Analysis of the antimicrobial resistance gene frequency in whole-genome sequenced Vibrio from Latin American countries

Journal of Medical Microbiology


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 isolated in Brazil revealed to be more invasive and inflammatory in murine colon compared to ST19 strains

Journal of Microbiology


Draft genome sequences of 80 Salmonella enterica serovar infantis strains isolated from food, environmental, human, and veterinary sources in Brazil

Microbiology Resource Announcements


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Juliana Pfrimer Falcão
Juliana Pfrimer Falcão

H-Index: 19

Campylobacter coli strains from Brazil can invade phagocytic and epithelial cells and induce IL-8 secretion

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


Caracterização molecular da diversidade genotípica, perfil de resistência e potencial patogênico de linhagens de Salmonella Infantis isoladas de fontes diversas no Brasil


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Correction: Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Salmonella Typhimurium isolates from humans and foods in Brazil

Plos one


Amanda Aparecida Seribelli
Amanda Aparecida Seribelli

H-Index: 4

Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Salmonella Typhimurium isolates from humans and foods in Brazil

Plos one


Amanda Aparecida Seribelli
Amanda Aparecida Seribelli

H-Index: 4

Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

Virulence traits and expression of bstA, fliC and sopE2 in Salmonella Dublin strains isolated from humans and animals in Brazil

Infection, Genetics and Evolution


Analysis of Resistance Gene Prevalence in Whole-Genome Sequenced Enterobacteriales from Brazil

Microbial Drug Resistance


Felipe Pinheiro Vilela
Felipe Pinheiro Vilela

H-Index: 4

High similarity and high frequency of virulence genes among Salmonella Dublin strains isolated over a 33-year period in Brazil

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


See List of Professors in Felipe Pinheiro Vilela University(Universidade de São Paulo)