Etsuji Suzuki

About Etsuji Suzuki

Etsuji Suzuki, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Okayama University, specializes in the field of epidemiology, causal inference, social science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Staged repair for complete atrioventricular septal defect in patients weighing less than 4.0 kg

Prenatal Exposure to Opioids and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children: A Bayesian Mediation Analysis

Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use, Cancer Screening, and Medical Checkups in Japan from 2001 to 2013: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study

Fine Particulate Matter and Diabetes Prevalence in Okayama, Japan

Breastfeeding at 6 months of age had a positive impact on overweight and obesity in Japanese adolescents at 15 years of age

Accuracy of ultrasound vs. Fourier-domain optic biometry for measuring preoperative axial length in cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

A population-based longitudinal study on glycated hemoglobin levels and new-onset chronic kidney disease among non-diabetic Japanese adults

Etsuji Suzuki Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Etsuji Suzuki Skills & Research Interests


causal inference

social science

Top articles of Etsuji Suzuki

Staged repair for complete atrioventricular septal defect in patients weighing less than 4.0 kg

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery


Hiroyuki Suzuki
Hiroyuki Suzuki

H-Index: 8

Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Prenatal Exposure to Opioids and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children: A Bayesian Mediation Analysis

American Journal of Epidemiology


Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people

Science Advances


Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use, Cancer Screening, and Medical Checkups in Japan from 2001 to 2013: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study

Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Toshiharu Mitsuhashi
Toshiharu Mitsuhashi

H-Index: 12

Fine Particulate Matter and Diabetes Prevalence in Okayama, Japan

Acta Medica Okayama


Toshiharu Mitsuhashi
Toshiharu Mitsuhashi

H-Index: 12

Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Breastfeeding at 6 months of age had a positive impact on overweight and obesity in Japanese adolescents at 15 years of age

Acta Paediatrica


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Toshiharu Mitsuhashi
Toshiharu Mitsuhashi

H-Index: 12

Accuracy of ultrasound vs. Fourier-domain optic biometry for measuring preoperative axial length in cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology


Shuhei Kimura
Shuhei Kimura

H-Index: 13

Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

A population-based longitudinal study on glycated hemoglobin levels and new-onset chronic kidney disease among non-diabetic Japanese adults

Scientific reports


Exchangeability of measures of association before and after exposure status is flipped: its relationship with confounding in the counterfactual model

Journal of epidemiology


Impact of macular intraretinal hemorrhage and macular hole on the visual prognosis of submacular hemorrhage due to retinal arterial macroaneurysm rupture



Heat exposure following the rainy season is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular emergency among the elderly in Japan

Journal of the American Heart Association


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Hiroshi Ito
Hiroshi Ito

H-Index: 13

Attributable fraction and related measures: Conceptual relations in the counterfactual framework

Journal of Causal Inference


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Eiji Yamamoto
Eiji Yamamoto

H-Index: 14

Diarrhea and related personal characteristics among Japanese university students studying abroad in intermediate-and low-risk countries

PLoS One


Toshihide Tsuda
Toshihide Tsuda

H-Index: 22

Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Ambient heat exposure after the rainy season is associated with an increased risk of Stroke

European Heart Journal


Hypothermic Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest: Favorable Outcomes, But With Limited Defibrillation Or Adrenaline Administration Effectiveness In The Prehospital Setting



Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Three doses of mRNA COVID‐19 vaccine protects from SARS‐CoV‐2 infections in Japan

Journal of Internal Medicine


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

Tumor size before image-guided brachytherapy is an important factor of local control after radiotherapy for cervical squamous cell carcinoma: analysis in cases using central …

Journal of radiation research


Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

The primary importance of the research question: implications for understanding natural versus controlled direct effects


Ian Shrier
Ian Shrier

H-Index: 43

Etsuji Suzuki
Etsuji Suzuki

H-Index: 23

A general explanation of the counterfactual definition of confounding

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology


Heat exposure after the rainy season is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular emergency

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology


See List of Professors in Etsuji Suzuki University(Okayama University)