Elok Savitri pusparini

About Elok Savitri pusparini

Elok Savitri pusparini, With an exceptional h-index of 3 and a recent h-index of 3 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Indonesia, specializes in the field of Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Pengaruh Flexible Working Arrangements, Supervisor Support dan Job Crafting terhadap Innovative Behavior Pekerja Sektor Ekonomi Kreatif

Antecedents and Outcome of Trainees’ Motivation: Evident from South East Asia

The Influence of Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, and Technostress on Performance Expectations in Digital Transformation of Public Broadcasting Institutions in Indonesia

Study of the effect of job characteristics, job crafting and perceived supervisor support on employee performance with meaningful work as a mediator on Bpjs Healt

The Effect of Flexible Work Arrangement and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement

The innovative behavior during work from home in Indonesia: The role of job autonomy and work engagement

The Influence of Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Passion, and Environmental Dynamism on Unit Performance in Microfinance Services

Entering the global market: The role of work autonomy and individual global mindset as antecedents of innovative work behavior in defining employee task performance

Elok Savitri pusparini Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Elok Savitri pusparini Skills & Research Interests

Strategic Management

Human Resource Management

Organizational Behavior

Top articles of Elok Savitri pusparini

Pengaruh Flexible Working Arrangements, Supervisor Support dan Job Crafting terhadap Innovative Behavior Pekerja Sektor Ekonomi Kreatif

Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

Antecedents and Outcome of Trainees’ Motivation: Evident from South East Asia

The South East Asian Journal of Management


Ishak Abd Rahman
Ishak Abd Rahman

H-Index: 5

Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

The Influence of Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, and Technostress on Performance Expectations in Digital Transformation of Public Broadcasting Institutions in Indonesia

TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

Study of the effect of job characteristics, job crafting and perceived supervisor support on employee performance with meaningful work as a mediator on Bpjs Healt

Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

The Effect of Flexible Work Arrangement and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement


The innovative behavior during work from home in Indonesia: The role of job autonomy and work engagement


The Influence of Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Passion, and Environmental Dynamism on Unit Performance in Microfinance Services

Journal of Economic Education


Entering the global market: The role of work autonomy and individual global mindset as antecedents of innovative work behavior in defining employee task performance

The South East Asian Journal of Management


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Affective Commitment and Actual Usage of the Flexible Benefit System: The Mediating Role of Individual …

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)


The effect of person–organization fit and workplace fun on intention to stay with work engagement as a mediating variable


The Effect of Telework Adjustment on Public Officers During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

The role of structural empowerment and innovative behavior in defining business process innovation and competitive advantage to cope with industry 4.0


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

The Effect of Perceived Support On Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction: Case Study on A Public Institution …

Elok savitri, The Effect of Perceived Support On Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction: Case Study on A Public Institution in Indonesia (April 17, 2020)


Elok Savitri Pusparini
Elok Savitri Pusparini

H-Index: 1

Managing Eco-Friendly Strategy Implementation and Its Impacts on Business Performance: The Role of Organizational Strategic Capabilities

International Journal of Business and Society


See List of Professors in Elok Savitri pusparini University(Universitas Indonesia)

