Elisa Moretti

About Elisa Moretti

Elisa Moretti, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Perugia, specializes in the field of Building physics, Energy Efficiency, Acoustics, Lighting, Thermal comfort.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Renewable Energy Communities in Italy and the Role of Public Administrations: The Experience of the Municipality of Assisi between Challenges and Opportunities

La prima Comunità Energetica rinnovabile di Assisi: Analisi tecnico-economica e legale

Indagine sull’impatto delle persone nella valutazione del microclima interno, del comfort e dei consumi energetici degli edifici: il caso di studio delle sedi Arpa UMBRIA

Experimental and numerical assessment for HVAC management in an industrial building: a preliminary optimization

A multiple Linear Regression Model to predict indoor temperature trend in historic buildings for book conservation: the case study of “Sala del Dottorato” in Palazzo Murena, Italy

Energy analysis, numerical simulations and intervention proposals for a NZEB industrial building: the" Loccioni Leaf Lab" case study

Preliminary assessment of a microgrid integrated with a biomass gasification CHP system for a production facility in Central Italy

Thermal-energy and lighting performance of aerogel glazings with hollow silica: field experimental study and dynamic simulations

Elisa Moretti Information



Associate Professor Department of Engineering Italy



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Elisa Moretti Skills & Research Interests

Building physics

Energy Efficiency



Thermal comfort

Top articles of Elisa Moretti

The Renewable Energy Communities in Italy and the Role of Public Administrations: The Experience of the Municipality of Assisi between Challenges and Opportunities


Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

La prima Comunità Energetica rinnovabile di Assisi: Analisi tecnico-economica e legale


Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

Indagine sull’impatto delle persone nella valutazione del microclima interno, del comfort e dei consumi energetici degli edifici: il caso di studio delle sedi Arpa UMBRIA


Experimental and numerical assessment for HVAC management in an industrial building: a preliminary optimization

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


A multiple Linear Regression Model to predict indoor temperature trend in historic buildings for book conservation: the case study of “Sala del Dottorato” in Palazzo Murena, Italy

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

Energy analysis, numerical simulations and intervention proposals for a NZEB industrial building: the" Loccioni Leaf Lab" case study

E3S Web of Conferences


Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

Preliminary assessment of a microgrid integrated with a biomass gasification CHP system for a production facility in Central Italy

E3S Web of Conferences


Franco Cotana
Franco Cotana

H-Index: 37

Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

Thermal-energy and lighting performance of aerogel glazings with hollow silica: field experimental study and dynamic simulations

Energy and Buildings


Microclimatic monitoring for book heritage preservation in historic buildings: preliminary investigation on “Sala del Dottorato” in Palazzo Murena, Perugia, Italy

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Elisa Moretti
Elisa Moretti

H-Index: 22

Fabio Sciurpi
Fabio Sciurpi

H-Index: 6

An Integrated HBIM Simulation Approach for Energy Retrofit of Historical Buildings Implemented in a Case Study of a Medieval Fortress in Italy



Field Experimental Study on Energy Performance of Aerogel Glazings with Hollow Silica: Preliminary Results in Mid-Season Conditions


See List of Professors in Elisa Moretti University(Università degli Studi di Perugia)